Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 38: 6 week shape up...& Happy April!

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Day 38...our last weekend. On Monday, we'll  report in & pat ourselves on the back for doing something sooo difficult for 6 weeks! Do you feel *shaped up*? It's never too late!

This quote just spoke to me...With Spring FINALLY emerging around here....It brings me HOPE
I have a very hard time during the is the hardest thing for me. The skies are grey, the weather is dreary, the wind blows, snow...rain...everything just kind of hybernates...including my soul. :(

But,  I try every year to suck it up, look for the good & bring my own sunshine... no matter what.
& I have to say..
I am getting better in my wiser years.  
It's still difficult, but when that sun finally comes out...the flowers start to bloom & things come alive...
so does my soul. 
I love the sun, warmth, flowers, color & birds singing!!!! 
Simple & beautiful things!

I was thinking it's a LOT like our attitude in this 6 week shape up.  The weather is rough sometimes...I tell ya...the beginning of the 6 weeks was sooo difficult! I kept trying to be diligent everyday..pretty soon the sun came out. The habits I was forming became easier. Not overnight...I had to go into a very extensive soul searching mode to do this. I had to bring the sunshine into my heart & soul. 
And now, as we are coming to an end, I do feel ALIVE. 
My soul is blooming, the birds are singing & I can honestly say, these 6 weeks have showed me so much HOPE!

How are YOU today, on this first day of April!? I hope you feel hope, joy & bring your OWN sunshine where ever you are in your life right now.
This is my favorite weekend of the year. THIS truly does awaken my soul & brings me joy! Here's to a sun-shiney weekend for our souls! will come. 
I promise!

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