Thursday, April 21, 2011

to-do lists vs. to-be lists

Spring Mix kit
 What do I want to become?
I've been thinking a lot about this lately.  I'm notorious for my 'to-do' lists..they are all over my house. On notepads, in my phone, jotted on a to-do. to-do.
And..I always feel great when I can check things off. *check*

I find myself ticking these to-do's off all the time.
But, lately, while reflecting a LOT on what I want to accomplish in my life..I've been thinking about my 
'to-be' lists.

What do I want to become?

And how do I go about becoming the kind of person I know I have the potential of being? 

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Love THIS quote. To-be's can never be done. To-be's can't be seen. It's quite profound I think. 

so, I've started a 'to-be' list. 

And of course, it is ever growing.
From what I want to become as a wife. mother. daughter. sister. artist. friend. 
To what I want to be

My list is growing. and never ending. but...
At age 43 I'm learning every day...
it's a process. 
A journey. 
And I'm so happy I have it.
Everyday I get to do to become.

In the craziness of every day the end of the day, it's all about what we are becoming. I'm listening. I'm trying. I'm prioritizing. And...i love this pRocess.

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