Wednesday, August 31, 2011 new cReative team!!!

Since it's the *eve* of our Grand Opening...I wanted to share the member of my 2011-2012 Creative Team for

Each of these amazing women have a variety of amazing talents, creative strengths & big hearts...I'm sure you will LOVE to see HOW they use Rhonna Designs in their own creative realm...& we, as a team, hope to  
uplift and inspire you!

Born and raised in Chicago, Amy Tan spent much of her childhood wallpapering her bedroom walls with the colorful and glamorous pages of fashion magazines. She learned how to sew her senior year of high school and what developed was her first passion: designing. Within five years, she had become an award-winning designer and founder of the popular handcrafted t-shirt line Amy Tangerine. Her collections were featured in hundreds of retail outlets, including Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus and Barneys New York, and yielded impressive worldwide sales.

In 2007, her business expanded to include scrapbooking, with her fashion design work now being produced on a custom basis. Her love for sharing her clothing and now also paper crafts has taken her all over the globe and given her the opportunity to teach creative classes from Hawaii to Tennessee.

She loves traveling, leisurely bike rides and relaxing in her little Venice Beach apartment, which she shares with her boyfriend, JC, and her two Jack Russell Terriers, Buster and Bamboo. Over the past two years, she's been working on perfecting what she likes to think of as the “art of truly living,” which includes enjoying the everyday; working smarter instead of harder; globetrotting; achieving balance in daily life; and collaborating with other creative people.

**Also find Amy at:   Spark No. 3 this year as a teacher!
twitter: @amytangerine
pinterest: amytangerine
instragram: amytangerine**

Emily Hill is a wife, mother, writer and entrepreneur. When she’s not driving carpool, cleaning crayon off the walls, issuing another timeout or hiding in her closet, she is the woman behind the ramblings on  She is also the co-owner and managing editor of; contributing editor for BoutiqueCafĂ©.com; contributing writer on; and a member of the eBay Parent Panel
Diet Coke and chocolate make it all possible.

**Also find Emily at: 
twitter: @emihill**

Hi there! My name is Jamie Pate. I am wife of one, mother of five, daughter of two, sister to one, and friends with many. I love the paper crafts world and have been involved deeply since 1997. To me, telling a story starts with a photo. I consider myself a life artist that tells her story by way of scrapbook layout, mini book, art journal, or even a card to inspire a friend, just to name a few. I don’t try to stay caught up. I just try to tell them when they happen so I don’t forget when they have passed. Digital and hybrid art is just one of many ways to tell those stories, and it brings me lots of joy to be part of this wonderful community.

 **Also find Jamie at:
twitter: @jmpgirl
flickr: jmp girl
Jing Van Opstal , once a dedicated hotelier then became a professional “Hausfrau” 13 years ago when she married her German husband who has been giving her constant encouragement on her creative pursuits.  She has been fortunate to live in and visit many countries throughout the world due to her husband’s occupation and thus, experienced several cultural adventures which inspire her to create and combine amazing colors, designs and even scents. 
Her attention to details makes her unique and whatever she ventures out to do, she will try to make it special… aside from artistic work, she loves to entertain at home and that’s where her dining table is always full of themed, home-made accents.  Well, she loves something different from the usual.  Her artistic style? … “I love to discover and try different things – so my style is totally a mystery … I love being mysterious.”

**Also find Jing at:
twitter: @jvotvo

Kelly Lautenbach is loving life as a wife and empty nester. She spends her days pretending to run her husband’s business and regularly sneaks over to her studio where  time flies by as she creates all kinds of crafty goodness. As dinner time nears, she slips back out to the “real world” in time to do just enough to make it look like she worked all day. Shhhhhhh! Please don’t tell. Her time as a scrapbooker has served her well in her foray into the world of fabric and quilting and other creative endeavors where her creative background influences her current projects. When she’s not creating, she enjoys living the good life in Nebraska and playing Gram to the world’s cutest little boy, Sutton.

**Also find Kelly at:
twitter: @scrapstudio

My name is Kirsty Wiseman, wife to Mark and Momma to Ellie and our handsome pooch, Eddy.  I am foremost a Mum and secondly I am serious finger twitcher.  I cure this ail by constantly tip tapping on my mac or my iPhone or my camera or my wacom.  My fingers rise to the challenge of boredom by creating or searching for beautiful things that make me feel super inspired to craft.  I love the feeling of accomplishment of crafting; of being able to sustain my thirst for creating and giving.  Photographising, scrapbooking, card making and blogging features heavily in my free time and magically they come together to tell stories, create art, fuel inspiration and most of all - make me happy.  Life is wonderful, life is art.

**Also find Kirsty at:
twitter: @kirstywiseman 
instagram: kirstyloolaa
Melissa Mortenson likes to make stuff.. plain and simple. Whether I'm sewing or scrapbooking or decorating it doesn't matter I love it all!  A few years ago I started a blog called The Polkadot Chair to share my creative endeavors with others.  I've had a fantastic time growing my blog and branching out into new areas. I've got a line of sewing patterns and am excited to have been published this year in the book Fresh Fabric Treats!  I've been scrapbooking since my oldest was born 16 years ago and have enjoyed so much watching the scrapbooking industry grow in those years!  I grew up in Salt Lake City but now am happy to call Kentucky home! I live in Louisville, Kentucky with my husband, 16 year old daughter and 10 year old boy/girl twins! Oh yeah, we've got a big furry  dog that lives here too!

**Also find Melissa at:
twitter: @missiemort 
instagram: mmorten
pinterest: melissamortenson
flickr: mmortenky1

Hi my name is Nancy Wyatt and I live just outside of Houston, Texas with my husband Andy.  I love playing in my studio, it's the perfect way to blow off steam after a long day at the office!  I have always been a girly girl and I love to create with paper and mixed medias.  I studied and still love interior design, love having my camera with me at all times( to my husbands dismay) and for the last two years have enjoyed creating with digital art.  I am so excited and honored to have been asked to join this team and look forward to getting to know more of you via this awesome hobby!
**Also find Nancy at:
twitter: @nct621 
pinterest: NancyWyatt  

Rosemary Watson is a jack-of-all-trades crafter who loves to create beautiful things on a daily basis. I love photography, sewing, graphic design, hybrid crafting, and home styling. Beyond crafting, I love to cook & bake, and spend a lot of time experimenting in the kitchen. My husband Braden, is the most fun guy around, and we have five children- Olivia (5), Landen (4), Penelope (3), & twins Evelyn & Georgia (18 months). We live in Mesa, Arizona where we grew up and have lots of family to spend all our time with. I am so excited to be a part of the fantastic team and let my creativity grow and inspire others.

**Also find Rosemary at:
twitter: @rosemarywatson 
instagram: rosemarywatson

Meet Susan K.Weckesser, the founder and owner of Susiebee Studios Inc. Susan has been teaching, selling crafts and painting for twenty-six years. She also is a freelance writer/designer, editor, photographer and poet. Her work has been published with the magazines Canadian Scrapbooker, Creating Keepsakes, Scrapbook News & Review, & Canadian Living
 Her designs have also appeared in the Sketches 2 Scrapbook application. 

Susan’s freelance writing has also appeared in several Northern Alberta newspapers throughout the years, before which she wrote and illustrated children’s literature and her poetry has appeared in several anthologies. Susan is also a designer with FaveCrafts, Create Scrapbooks, & Kuretake.

Between 2003 and 2004, Susan K. Weckesser served on the Board of Directors for The Writers Guild of Alberta where she had fun developing her writer’s wings a little more and from 2005 to 2006 she was part of the Arts Council (SWAC) of Whitecourt, Alberta. 

In January, 2011, she had the honour to be a Guest Curator for the online art site; She also loves the Christmas Love Campaign that she started 2 & ½ years ago to help promote love amongst scrapbooker, artists, crafters and the world!

Now, Susan is combining her love of painting and her love of scrapbooking and she just released with her company, Susiebee Studios Inc., her first scrapbooking paper line – Live in Color.
Susan currently lives in Medicine Hat, Alberta with her husband of twenty-one years, Marcus and her four wonderful children; Christopher, Kurt, Ashley, & Jessica and two feline friends. She loves to live life to the fullest and create her dreams each and every day.
**Also find Susan at:
instragram: susankweckesser
Welcome, welcome each one of my members...I'm so excited! They have truly uplifted and inspired me...& I'm sure they will do the same to you!
Jump on over to their blogs...because they will be hosting a GIVEAWAY to Rhonna Designs! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>enjoy the jouRney.

 today: enjoy the jouRney

This week's Monday Makeover is a little focus on 'my' makeover...with my running/training journey.  I've had lots of emails & messages with questions & comments.... And I wanted to blog about this huuuuge part of my life right, if you are not interested in hearing all means. don't read on. :)

I have had a major makeover in my 

And I owe it all to running.  
As many of you know...I have been sick for a while.....& it is still tough going. Some days are better than others. And while I am still looking for the answers & wanting to be's a long process.

So, I had 2 choices. I could either 
1. wallow in my pain, sickness & self pity. 
2. try to find something to take my mind off of the pain & sickness.  

Yes, I *was* feeling a bit better.. so, I decided I wanted to turn to running to get my mind off of my pain. I know...It sounds crazy.  But, whatever I've got...I feel WORSE if I don't exercise.  

So. I must. even if I have to grit my teeth through the pain for the first few mile 3 or so, I'm used to the pain & I start to enjoy it.  crazy...huh?

"How can you run when you are feeling sick?" This is one of the most asked questions I've been getting.  

1 word. 

I have to look for motivation all around me....
to get my shoes on. 
to get me out the door. 
to ignore the pain & realize I WILL feel better after my run. answer to the 2nd most asked question: "Where do you find your motivation & determination?"...I've forced myself to LOOK for the positive parts of running.

one. iLOVE motivational quotes.  Hence, I share a lot of the quotes I see on Twitter by Running Quotes & them. they motivate me.  
But, one of the things that has totally helped me through this is the

When I started the class, I had already made the goal of running a marathon, but the training (physical, mental & emotional) was going to be difficult...I knew this. So, SR2 helped me make a plan & with my art...really get through to what I really wanted. 
...Helped me ask some really important questions...
-WHAT did I really want to learn through this journey...
-HOW can I get through this without giving up?
...making a plan, & STICKING WITH IT!!!!  
Thanks, Mel! Loved the course! it taught me so much!

two. iLOVE motivational products. like Dailyologie. See that cute package up there? It's a pillow case...isn't that fab? It says: get up, put your smile on and run like the wind. 
adore. this.

three. iLOVE motivational & inspirational views on my run...I have to drive about 10 minutes to a trail, but it's soooo worth it to me.  The natural beauty that surrounds me takes my mind off of my pain....& I sooo enjoy taking pictures of my runs & documenting my jouRney.
four. iLOVE motivational tools like my iPhone.I really couldn't do it w/o technology!
I love how I can use it for so many things during my run. 
Instagram= to take pix.
Pandora Radio= to listen to my running playlists.
RunKeeper= to track my time, mileage & pace.  and...of course, 
my iFitness belt to house my lil phone...i lovey!

so....I have 18 more days until my marathon. 

I've completed the most difficult week in training program had me ramping up the mileage to 20 miles...which I did on Saturday...& now for the next 3 weeks I taper down...gradually so that by the marathon...


I have to say...i felt better after my 20 miles than the 18 miler we did...I am now really excited about the marathon.

I've run 20 miles...& have trained hard...& now I have to trust my body & just 
enjoy my journey....'s been quite a of THE hardest things I've ever done...every day is a struggle...but, I do try to stay positive & keep on going.  instead of wallowing in self pity..hee hee.

and...the thing I've loved the best is the POWER I've felt as I've pushed through this difficult training.  I heard these 4 simple words yesterday at church & it has stuck with me....really got my heart:
The Power of Becoming.
We all have it in us to become what we want to become....we just have to want it. do it. & become it.'s to the power within become better. become what & who we want to become. Today's the it!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

follow the sun...have an adventure.

Back to School.
I had lots of emotions...very mixed.
Every year I know I need to look at this new adventure with a smile on my face....follow the sun...cuz that always makes me happy. And it always reminds me to focus on the light..the every adventure.

This is life. These kids are off for another adventure...I just pray every day..all day..that they will be safe. happy.kind to others. be themselves & feel good about themselves....I want that for each of them.
Sol Man's adventure:  
wearing his 'monster' shirt...

T-bird's adventure: 
being patient with her mom as she takes MORE pictures!

J-Bird's adventure: 
postivitely GIDDY with her Audrey Hepburn lunch box! She & her friends were sportin' them...all showing their cute these girls!

One of our favorite traditions to welcome this yearly adventure....a candy poster to greet them at the end of their first day of school. 
 Life somehow has kicked into turbo...My head is spinning...time is flying..& I'm trying to be still. And enjoy each day. each journey. 
..looking for the adventure in each day..
no matter what it brings.

Speaking of adventure...
we'll be building up to the Rhonna DESIGNS NEW site Grand Opening on September 1st...
yea...ya see that OLD design that's been staring at us for over 6 years?'s TIME to freshen that baby up!

be watching...
store will be opening. 
Creative Team will be announced. 
Prizes will be given away...over on the Rhonna DESIGNS Facebook Fan if you haven't 'liked' the page sure you do!

Monday, August 22, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>home

Summer is over. 
We are back to school & I have mixed emotions.

I will miss the fun of the lazy Summer days with my kids...the sunshine. the water. the traveling.  


I am also looking forward to getting back into a schedule & welcome being home more.  While I do love traveling, it's always so nice to be home. 
just be.

just be in my own bed. 
just be in my own kitchen. 
just be. 
with my family.  
and...enjoying making decor...fall is coming...& It's my fave. 

1. it's the Grand Opening of Rhonna DESIGNS. (if all goes as planned...Sept. 1 is the magical date...stay tuned to see new goodness & my new Creative Team!)

2. it's my marathon. so excited. so nervous. less than a month.  *breathe*

3. it's Spark. (October 21-22...parTAY!) and did you see the Artisan Market Vendors were announced? HEAVEN!

4. it's my birthday. (October 23- I'm not shy about my birthday..I LOVE it!)

5. it's Halloween. (one of my FAVE holidays...i LOVE to decorate & dress up)

6. it's Thanksgiving. (love the cripsness in the air, gratitude in our hearts & spending time with family)

then...before we know it Christmas is upon us...ahhh! time goes by so quickly...I can't believe it!'s to enjoying every moment. of every day...because it's passing too quickly.
Happy Monday. Enjoy being home.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

5 things.

Pin It
 5 of my favorite things as of right now:
No. 1: Running. 

Running on the trails near my house...near the the mountains.  I am on week 14 of my 18 week marathon is coming quickly...& I'm taking one day at a time...enjoying my journey.  I tweeted this quote: 

A race time is just the final page of a book. It means very little without knowing the story leading up to it.

My story has been amazing. I've learned so much & I'm still learning every day.

No. 2:  Make overs.  

I have been having fun...been busy & haven't shared all of my monday makeovers, but here's my wall tree I painted turquoise. love it! It's such a bright spot in my room now.

No. 3: 
Good things happening to good people.  

One of my dearest friends, Margie, has joined one of my favorite companies: Bazzil.  She's going 'home'....Perfect! And, it makes me just so happy! Congrats, again, sweets!

No. 4: Spark

It's coming up....are you joining us? You will NOT want to miss it...seriously! We got together to SPark it up & make the handmade decorations that are so 'spark'....again: this year has a different vibe, different teachers...but more of the same honest to goodness Spark inspiration.  Even though I've not been as involved as I had in years past...I AM going to be there!  Margie & her team have done a GREAT job with it this year...I hope to see you there!

No. 5: My new Creative Team 

has been notified & we are on our way to the Grand Opening of Rhonna DESIGNS store!!!! I was so overwhelmed with the entrants...thank you everyone!  I so wish I could have every single person on the team...
It's all about 'uplifting & inspiring'....
& each member of the team was selected with this in mind. 

When we announce the team, you will see that each one brings something different to the mission of Rhonna DESIGNS! love it! Be sure to go over to the official Facebook page & 'like' it! There will be lots of fun things going on during the Grand Opening!

ok...Summer is almost over...only a few days left before school to enjoy it with my kiddos! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>decorating with instagram photos

We are back from our vacations...
Summer is winding down & of course Back to School is on the mind... 
We've had such a GREAT Summer...
so many fun memories...enjoying each other & getting some fave! I tweeted the other of my FAVE things has been the ability of taking pix on the go with my iPhone...& my FAVE app: instagram!  I tell ya...creativity at my fingertips...LOVE IT!!! NEW fave thing is: Postal Pix! You just upload your photos from Instagram & they print them off in the cute 4x4 format (complete with all of the fun filters & photo edges) & send them to you!!! So, I got a bunch of them in the mail & was sooo excited! I wanted to display & decorate with them.
Remember my vintage dictionary text backdrop I madeover? was perfect for this little display of our Summer memories from my phone....Thank you Instagram & Postal Pix...marriage made in heaven!

aaanndd...I think THESE pix will even be cute printed out...& hung up. scrapbooked. etc.
LOVE this fast, easy, clever way to take your pix on the go with some fun creativity!
Talk about feeling inspiRed!!!!

Happy Monday! 
Hope YOU are feeling uplifted & inspiRed!

And...don't forget about the NEW Rhonna DESIGNS team call that is open until Aug. 15th....just a few more days! The entries have been amazing!!! And, those that are accepted on the Design Team will be notified on Aug. 16th via email!  Thanks!