Tuesday, November 1, 2011

cReative Team Tuesday>>>photo frames

Digital Photo Frames are easy as 1.2.3. & add such a fun flair to photos, artwork, quotes...you name it!
Check out how the Rhonna Designs Creative Team has used some of the photo frames in the store.

These Simple Photo Frames 2, are so easy to work with....The kit includes 1-5 frame collages that have grid patterns, old retro light leaks, stitching,tape & tags on them....Rosemary added her  photos & text & voila! A super cool picture collage with the frames!

Isn't this the cutest? Amy Tan added this RD Frameworks to this darling picture of Alison Abad's (of Hambly Studios) daughter in Amy's shirt! I love it! such a fun way to highlight this!

Jamie took this pic at Spark No. 3 & added to the photo with subtle brushwork from the Grateful Glam brushes...creating her own photo frame. so clever!

Melissa's darling photo is perfect for this Simple Photo frame brush! so festive! and so simple.  She makes it just perfect!

& happy happy anniversary to our Creative Team member Nancy & her husband! (incidentally, Jamie & her husband share the same date for their anniversary...so cool!) Nancy used the Simple Photo Frame 2 collage of 4 along with the Number Tag brush, Grateful Glam background and the 'W' in the middle is from the Monogram Set...amazingly gorgeous!

And...LOOK at how Emily used one of the Spooky Junque frame for her word art! I LOVE this quote. and with this frame....printed out..it is FAB!

Each of the Creative Team members are so inspiring to me...I LOVE how each of these women are different...see things differently. create things differently...yet, add a touch of AWE to everything they do. I LOVE them!!! Aren't they amazing!
Feeling soo thankful for them!~
....makes me smile!

Another thing that makes me smile is: 
November 1! 
A month of gratitude makes me smile.
Notice the NEW Fall look on my blog and the site...the colors are uplifting and inspiRing me today...

outside my window, it's grey skies (raining like crazy) and the bright orange & yellow trees are so beauitful...
nature's color palette inspiRed the Grateful Glam collection...
& if you'll notice...
there are some NEW Christmas kits in the store, too!
Tomorrow, I'll be doing a 'closer look' at them!
until then...

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