Monday, November 14, 2011

The 21 Challenge...starts today!

So many requests for this lately...It's the {21} Challenge...another round. Are you in?

It starts today...& like I said on Twitter & Facebook....this is a LITE version. I'll be tweeting, posting visuals like these images here via Instagram & on Facebook DAILY. So, the best way to follow & share is by following me on Twitter, Instagram & FB....Lite version...remember?

Each Monday, I'll do a blog re-cap with all of the day's images so you can go back & look at them.
Who's in?

Day 1: today. 
LOVE this quote:
"A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug." Patricia Neal

1. Pick ONE habit to make or break. 
It can be a physical, emotional, spiritual, mental goal...something that YOU feel you want to improve in your life. 
**I chose to focus on core exercises everyday. I've got the running down, but I always forget the core for some reason. And when I DO exercise it daily, my other ailments seem to be better. A strong core= a happy Rhonna.

2. Pick a way to document it. You can scrapbook it. art journal it. photograph it. write it down in a notebook. whatever will help to solidify this new habit. for YOU. tailor it to YOU.
**In past rounds, I did art journals, and I loved it!!!! But, right now, I've got lots on my plate & sadly, it's not realistic. But, I CAN be creative AND document with my, this is my 'LITE' version. I will be taking pictures on my phone & adding the quotes for my creativity exercises.  All on my phone. love that.

3. Commit to it for 21 days straight.  This is when the success comes in. It takes 21 days or 3 weeks for your body, muscles, brain to all come together & make or break this habit.
It can be done. 
**I've done round after round & not only do I feel better about myself, gain more confidence, see the changes I want to see, but I get more creative!!!! works hand in hand with the 100 Creativity Exercises...I LOVE it!

I'm committed. Are you?

Welcome new-comers, & welcome old-timers....let's do this!

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