Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 8 of The 21 Challenge AND a Giveaway!

Day 8 of the 21 challenge...and...reporting in...
How are you doing?

day. 8.
"We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?" - Marianne Williamson
be fabulous.

All of you 21ers ARE fabulous, but add on a 'lieve' to that 'be' so you 'believe' you are fabulous!

This week has been amazing...hearing from so many of you via facebook, instagram, twitter, texts,! You are ALL doing an amazing job!

I'm happy to say I've stayed 'on the wagon' the entire week. Even when I got home from my whirlwind day trip to AZ, I came home late & did my core's getting easier!

so...we are entering 
the 2nd week. 
This is the most difficult of the weeks...
the 1st week you are all fired up & have a lot of motivation going on...

the 3rd week you can see the light at the end of the tunnel & run on the momentum of the past 2 weeks.

but, sadly...week 2 gets the shaft. This is where most people fall off the wagon.
it get's too difficult.
you start to rationalize.
you start to doubt.


do NOT fall into these traps.
you can do this.
be.lieve. that you can be.come.

How about a little fun motivation? 

If you have seen Maggie Holmes' photography you KNOW it's deeelish! She's just got a way of bringing color & feeling to her photography...

well...she is offering a FAB giveaway to her December Daily Photography Workshop to one of YOU!

Maggie's daily emails & prompts for photographing your December will be invaluable. I'm soo excited to take this class. Even if you are not doing the December will love it for any of your December documenting: Journal Your Christmas, photographing your holidays...etc.
Thanks, Maggie Holmes Designs for sponsoring this amazing giveaway!
comment here...I'll pick a winner on Wednesday!

Happy Day 8 &.... 

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