Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year. New Kits. New Look. Twenty.12

I'm sooo excited about this next year...twenty.12.   
My focus & mantra for the year is to: Follow My Heart. it really means so much to me. This past year, 2011, has been such a journey about learning how to follow my heart. and....

These NEW kits tell it all: 

A calendar kit & a printable kit....fits perfectly into the MyBook Planner OR can be used on its own.

twenty.12 is inspiring. 
I'm making my resolutions & goals & I've got my 2nd marathon in the works...along with a half marathon, some NEW 21 Challenges in mind as well as a 6 week shape up I'm starting on Jan 1! 

I love it, because the 21 Challenge is 3 weeks. ...gets you all ready for a habit, goal, success.

THEN, double that & you've got the 6 week shape up...perfect time to really get some physical results in my workout program. and 18 week marathon training will start in...perfect. timing.

But...I have to start on Jan 1 and this kit will help me.  I've got it all printed out & putting in my lil MyBook Planner.  perfect start to a fabulous year.

and of course, the calendars...for everyday. 
perfect, again.

getting ready for a New Year's Eve party at our house...Happy New Year, everyone!
Let's make twenty.12 the BEST!

twenty.11 .... twenty.12. NOW is the time.

I love this time of year. So much reflection, celebration & excitement!
As I looked back at my goals for the year, I'm so thrilled at what I was able to accomplish:
journey to get my health back.
focus on my family relationships.
read the Book Of Mormon in 100 days.
train for & run a marathon.
find a balance in my art career that enables me to LIVE life happily.
learn to sip & savor every moment.

Each of these has been a huge learning process...each one has taught me different things...I've had a rough, rough year.
But, I'm so happy with the outcome of the trials & hardships.

One thing I've learned that I hope to take with me in this next year is: 
I MUST have goals. 
I MUST work at them every single day.
One year will go by quickly & 
I MUST act NOW if I want to live the kind of life I've always wanted.

I'm totally inspired by all of the Compendium books, but this one just spoke to me. (& is a huge inspiration to my new 2012 Calendar & 'A Year to Follow Your Heart' kit.)

Don't you love that? I love the message. 
You CAN do it!

tonight I'll be putting up the NEW 2012 Printable Calendars that are inspired by the 21 Challenge, 6 week shape up...& 'Follow Your Heart.' (more info on that to come. #wink)
This year, my One Little Word is: Savor.
Savor each step of the process in each goal in each day of tweny.12.

The MyBook Planner winner has been sent her book & I'm excited to take pictures of what I've done with the NEW "A Year to Follow Your Heart' planner kit
in my own My Book Planner...(gotta put it together!)

AND...2 new kits. tonight.
getting ready for an amazing twenty.12.
A Year to Follow My Heart.
A Year to Savor.
A Year to be uplifted & inspired by working, creating & living the life I've always wanted.
Who's with me?

Look at what Rosemary Watson did? Love her print out (which is FREE with any purchase of the kits until Jan. 3) & her CUTE lolly clock!
LOVE them!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

DIY Christmas: Doily flowers. Gift Wrap. Garlands.

Super easy DIY here for Christmas or anytime. All you need is a bunch of doilies, hot glue...& that's it. Seriously! check out the Gift Wrap ideas and the Garland idea!

Step. No. 1:
Take a stack of doilies & fold in half.
Step. No. 2: 
Separate the doilies.
Step. No. 3:
On a heat resistent surface, hot glue a line directly onto the surface. Put 2 of the folded doilies side by side on the line of glue.
Step. No. 4:
Add another line of glue on top of the 2 folded doilies in the middle...add 2 more doilies.
Step. No. 5:
Repeat Step No. 4.

Let cool. fluff the flower. create with it.

Add Gift tags like the ones I showed you HERE last year. I created some new ones this year with the Christmas Junque Background papers, wire, toothpicks & pearls. LOVE that you can use the wire to bend the flag as if it's waving in the wind. cuuuuute!
Use this same technique but instead of gluing it to the work surface, glue right to Jute twine & then hang as a garland. I have these all over my house right now. LOVE.

See? Simple. Easy. DIY tutorial! Happy creating!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

creative team tuesday: christmas DIY & a giveaway!!!

cReative Team Tuesday always uplifts & inspiRes me..I love seeing what the team comes up they use Rhonna Designs & share their amazing talents with, w/o further ado....
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check out Jamie's amazing table scape....inspired by Margie's Spark Your Christmas online class (which, btw: if you have NOT taken that's not too will LOVE it!)... I LOVE how Jamie used the inspiration she learned from the class & translated it into using Rhonna Designs Christmas Junque Tags N Flags...LOVE them on the trees & pins topped with pearls. Gorgeous!
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Look how she's covered the tree in Christmas Junque Background papers...brill! The juxtaposition of burlap, corrugated cardboard, pinecones, pearls, doilies, glitter, ribbon, tulle...oh MY! in. LOVE. 

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LOVE what Rosemary did with the Number Junque kit! Framed art...amazing! Be sure to check out her blog as she's doing a 12 Days of will for SURE be uplifted & inspiRed by her!

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Kirsty is always so cheeky...i LOVE it! Her personality shines through this digital layout...I adore the navy, kraft & vintage together....simply gorgeous & an unexpected color scheme for a Christmas fresh! The way she used the Christmas Junque Borders with the Chevron Tool Kit and the Quatrefoil backgrounds is genius!
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Loving this gorgeous ornament here by Nancy!!!! Wow! She's got a whole tutorial on the DIY of this on her blog...perfectly scrumptious!  She's used the Christmas Junque Pieces &  Printable Background kit 
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She, too, took Margie's Spark Your Christmas class & used some techniques here....we can ALL learn how to make junque bows, tags & goodness from Miss, run over & sign up...well worth every me!

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& I adore how Susan used the Rhonna Designs Kits to create their Christmas Cards this year.  She's got The background paper from Christmas Junque Printable paper, Merry Card Kit, & the Doilies from the Christmas Junque Collage Border kit. fab. fab. fabra cadabra! 

I've had many of you asking about the MyBook Planners this year. YES, I will have some coordinating kits to go with your 2012 MyBook Planners...AND, guess what? I have a giveaway AND a coupon for all of you bloggers! Isn't that awesome?
Save 50% with this code: RFMB5 But, ACT NOW...because it will be active until 12/18/11.

AND, I have ONE planner to giveaway! So...just comment here & I'll be picking one on the 18th! Also, I'm working on something to show you as a Christmas gift....think: custom photos, digital kits AND the planner...perfect gift!
Have a fab Tuesday!

Monday, December 12, 2011

How Do You Do That? Chevron Tool Kit & Christmas Cards

Wow...we have received SUCH a great response to the Chevron Tool Kit! Thanks, everyone! Along with the great response, we've got some questions, I thought I'd give some tips & tricks on HOW to use the Chevron patterns...a little DIY if you will! *wink*

So...this kit is seriously everything you need to create Chevron looks...papers, cards, over photos, blogs, tags, you name's a TOOL KIT. comes with tags, brushes, patterns, textures & papers. ALL can be used 'as is' OR can be resized, recolored & reused...again & again.
PLUS: there's a FREE Gift with this purchase until Christmas.

I printed mine out...framed it & hung it up...makes me very happy., back to the Chevron Tool Kit...I wanted to share some ideas:
No. 1: Re-color.
The colored pattern is my fave color palette as of now. (even has the 2012 Pantone Color of the Year in it: Tangerine Tango...& close to the color Persimmon found in my Spooky Junque collection. deelish color!) But...if you DON"T like this color, or even want to change it...looky here:
With just a few clicks of your can recolor & change it all up! Here, I just went into my Photoshop Creative Suite 5 (PSCS5) & went to: 
& fiddled with the sliders under the Hue, Saturation & Lightness to create this effect.
You can do this in ANY of your colored elements to get a totally NEW look.
You can even copy down these numbers exactly to get this same look. OR just play around until YOU get the color YOU like!

*note: I've had a lot of questions about re-coloring with the Paint Bucket.  Here's my take.  IF you choose this method, you risk the fact that your image will get messy. pixelated. & not look that great in some cases. Because....when you take your Paint Bucket & pour color into a portion of your design that has a lot of edge on will 'bleed' or pixelate. When you use the 'hue/saturation' method, you aren't fiddling with the pixels themselves...only the color. make sense?

No. 2: Color Overlays.
The Tool Kit comes with a bunch of patterns & textures that will create immediate papers or backgrounds. But, you will notice...they all come in black. (with the background it  looks like little grey & white squares...don't just means you can drag & drop it onto anything)
So...this is what it looks like:
(don't you love this Chevron texture? it's got text on it...LOVE), with the black texture, IF I used the Paint Bucket method, I'd be pouring color in for want to be able to color the entire file. 
1. Click on the Chevron layer.

2.  go to:
A color box will pop up & you can get really specific with your color. Here, I've actually typed in the RGB color of the Pantone 2012 color: Tangerine Tango.
Now, I've got the paper pattern & color I want...exactly! Isn't that fab. a. lish.??? LOVE it!

No. 3: Use Brushes to create a DIY Christmas Card Adress Wrap
So, I've got all of my Christmas Cards out in the was such a fun process...I really enjoyed it this year.  I used the Chevron brush to create a pattern on my Address Wrap....(along with the Junque Labels) & printed them off on sticker paper...cut them out & added them on my envies. 

LOVE how it turned out! was super easy to create that Chevron background with my pattern brush.
I simply loaded the Chevron Brushes, then selected its own layer, stamped on it & went to my Opacity & lowered it to about 7% so it was a subtle background pattern.

aaaand...speaking of Christmas Cards...I wanted to share these with you...Suzanne Tonga is a fab Rhonna Designs customer, creator extraordinaire...& she sent me these images of her amazing Hybrid Christmas cards...
She created the top part with Christmas Junque kits, printed them out & then embellished the rest of her cards..amazing, huh? LOVE this, Suzanne...thanks so much for sharing your talents with us!

Ok...come back tomorrow for our Creative Team Tuesday....lovin' what they've created!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

DIY Christmas...Christmas Cards

I love this time of the year....the whole process of family Christmas cards! I love to do-it-myself with all of the Rhonna Designs's sooo easy!

I couldn't be happier with our family photos this, I wanted to share a few shots! 

all photos my my amazing friend, Amanda Hendrickson.

I'll stop there, so as to not overload you.

I just designed the cards; did them myself (i'll wait to show a sneak peek of my DIY) & it was fast & easy...I uploaded to Persnickety Prints & since they are local...I get to go pick them up at 5:00 about FAST!  If you are on the lookout for a good printer for your Christmas cards...they deliver all over! So...order! You will NOT be sorry!
AND, if you are local...Amanda is a fab photographer!, tomorrow..I'll show you a DIY gift I'm making for my kids with these photos...
AND...there's a coupon & giveaway! 
so...stop by tomorrow!
until then....

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DIY Christmas...Parisian Hot Chocolat Recipe

A DIY Christmas is underway again this year.
Today: Do-it-yourself Parisian Hot Chocolat.
 Christmas time makes me completely giddy....I love everything about the holiday season:
the food
the decorations
the smells
the lights
the music
the gifts
the creating....
& it's all about creating memories that will last a lifetime.
I tweeted about a book that changed the way we are doing Christmas this's called 'A Christ-centered Christmas.' It's all about getting back to WHY we have Christmas & really focuses on the Nativity...each person that was involved.  
Mary, Joseph, The Angel, The Shepherd, The Wise Men, The Lamb & The Christ Child.
In each chapter it talks about each person & what they might have been feeling, thinking, doing...It makes it real to us now. And it includes Christmas Carols to sing, activities to do as a family & really focuses on a meaningful Christmas.

Like I's changed the way we are doing Christmas this far, we've made new traditions, re-vamped some old ones & have thoroughly enjoyed the Season so far.

One thing I loved about this past Monday was The Angel chapter....If I were to choose to be anyone that was at the Nativity Scene...
I'd choose to be The Angel....
I would want to bring 
'glad tidings of great joy' 
to those Shepherds...
I'd want to sing it out to the world & shout: Glory to God in highest...
because I would be bursting with 
So...our activity? 
We sang Christmas Carols by the fire..sipping Hot Parisian Chocolat (show-Ko-laht)...
the thick, delicious kind that took me back to the cafes in Paris....
it was truly a dreamy night...filled with JOY!

 We had a Parisian Chocolat Bar...complete with whipped cream, marshmallows, toffee bits, peppermint twists & balls....& more chocolate *just in case it wasn't chocolatey enough!*

Thought I'd share this delicious homemade recipe with was truly divine! ..bottoms up!

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(frame created with the christmas junque collage borders.)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

creative team tuesday: inspiration galore!

cReative team tuesday has become my favorite day to blog! I LOVE seeing what my team has create with Rhonna Designs...and with the NEW fonts, dingbats & will LOVE this inspiration!

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Rosemary used the Christmas Junque Collage Frame and the Christmas Art brush kit to create her darling photo on her you see the tippy top of the tree? She added a digital tag from the Christmas Junque Pieces kit...brilliant! 

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And...Nancy continues to inspire us with how she's using Rhonna Designs in her December Daily project. LOVE how she used the Number Junque kit for her '1'...along with the Christmas Junque gorgeous!

 Have you heard about Tim Holtz' amazing 12 Tags project? Well...our very own Kirsty has taken his inspiration & created her own tags with Rhonna Designs! LOVE these!

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Number Junque kit,  all of the fonts & dingbats & Christmas Junque pieces adorn each of these fabulous tags...keep up on her blog to see each day...she's a*mezzin. (love her word)

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Ok, so now I wanted to show how Rosemary & Nancy used the kits to create Cards & invites!
I ADORE how Rosemary used the Quatrefoil background, Punk Junque Brush kit & the Monogram kit for this adorabel Tea Party invite...So precious!
And, to end with a *bang*...check out this amazingly gorgeous Christmas Card that Nancy created with the Chevron Tool Kit, Christmas Junque Pieces, Christmas Junque Collage Frame & the Decor Font!

Soo....enjoy this inspiration on this lovely Tuesday....I've got some fun things to share soon, tomorrow!