Thursday, March 7, 2013

cReativity exercises + an artsy weekend

Everyone needs a little time out for be uplifted & inspiRed. I was totally overwhelmed by the LOVE from 25 women at An Artsy Weekend! Marci Welker, of Fallow Field Farm, put on a fantastic event this past weekend! Rhonna Designs was a part of it where I started out the weekend talking about my 100 Creativity Exercises.  I loved sharing a bit of my journey as I spoke about Creativity....& I ended with this:

"I believe all creative ideas are sprinkled from heaven. And many people can catch them at the same time.... It just depends on what you do with them. If you sit on it & hoard it, not sharing it.... You're going to lose it and may get bitter when you see someone else's execution of that idea & say- "hey! that was MY idea! They stole it! "
BUT- If you run with that idea, & share that spark... Not only is your creativity growing, but you are inspiring someone else & giving THEM the ideas to run with... All of us are creatively growing. The ideas aren't ours... They come from a higher source... & when we recognize that & share it... More ideas will come. I promise!"  

Seriously...this is how I feel & too many times I've seen very talented & cReative people let their jealousy, or 'me me me' attitude destroy what they had...sad, really! But, these amazing women *got it* & I loved sharing this with them.
Then the amazing Dana Engemann taught us how to make these cute boxes to fill our 100 prompts with! Chrissy Gardner WOWed us w/ her leather stamping & Marci taught us how to create a cool book for an art journal! The darling Tonya LeMone was amazing & shared her talent of bread making & cheese w/ a delish lunch! Dana delighted w/ Fairies, I taught a few of my chalkboard tips & tricks...the whole she*bang!

I was truly uplifted & inspired this weekend from all of the amazing teachers, creations, photos, food, and just the over-all feeling of happiness & friendship! I met such amazing ladies there & came away so fired up & ready to get cReative! I am so sad I didn't get that many camera was full & I only got a few! I'm sorry I don't have any of you lovely ladies! Please send me some! *wink*
For more re-caps...check out these fab girls!

if you know of any other re-caps...send them my way!

so....are you feeling uplifted & inspired? good! now, GO- cReate!

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