Monday, March 11, 2013

The {21} round!

It's that time again! I started another round of The {21} Challenge! This one is running from March 11-31! And, if you are NEW...go HERE to read up on it!  If you've joined me before...welcome back!

So, today is day one:

1. Pick ONE habit to make or break. 
It can be a physical, emotional, spiritual, mental goal...something that YOU feel you want to improve in your life. 
**For this round, I have signed up & committed to going to Lyceum training at Brick Canvas for 21 days! They have this fab $21 for 21 Days deal going on...& since Spring Break is exactly 21 days away...this is perfect! I started this morning at the 8am class & just about barfed....but, other than that *grimace* I felt great! 

2. Pick a way to document it. You can scrapbook it. art journal it. photograph it. use your phone. (which is what I'm doing) or write it down in a notebook. whatever will help to solidify this new habit. for YOU. tailor it to YOU.
**I will be doing this all on my phone w/ Rhonna Designs Instafonts & sharing them via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest, so be sure to follow me for daily prompts & my accountability!

3. Commit to it for 21 days straight.  This is when the success comes in. It takes 21 days or 3 weeks for your body, muscles, brain to all come together & make or break this habit.
It can be done. 
**I've done round after round & not only do I feel better about myself, gain more confidence, see the changes I want to see, but I get more creative!!!! works hand in hand with the 100 Creativity Exercises...I LOVE it!

So...who's in? If you are on twitter or Instagram, hashtag with #RD21Challenge & if you are on Facebook... come on over HERE!

....let's uplift & inspiRe each  other for the next 21 days! 

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