Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Compendium Gratitude

I mentioned before that I'm involved in Compendium's A Thankful Life campaign! I love it. It's uplifted & inspiRed me so much...just what my mantra is with Rhonna Designs! *wink* 

THe idea is to be a part of this 'Thankful Life'....every week. But, without even's become something I'm doing Every. Day!  
It started out with my Year Of Gratitude boxed gift card set...I have been filling out the fab gratitude book that comes with it along w/ sending out Thank You cards each week. 

Not only has it lifted my spirits, but it's uplifted & inspired me on so many levels in my life. 
I LOOK for things to be thankful for. 
I make notes of what those around me have done for me in my life.
Helped me see the MANY things I am grateful for.
Share notes w/ people I haven't normally thanked...though I should! *wink*
the unexpected feeling of: " I can't just pick ONE a week!" so....I've taken this challenge to every single day.
One thing that's been SOOO fun is the cute Lunch Mail cards they have.

 I stick them in my kids' lunches, pockets, or purses so they get a little boost each day. I tell them how AWESOME I think they are & how grateful I am for them.  This has overflowed into texts, notes, emails, phone calls to people to express how grateful I am for them....
truly...a grateful heart is a happy heart.

So, anyone want to join in the campaign to write 1 million thank you notes this year? It's easy! It's just all about gratitude...& SHOWING it!

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