Monday, March 25, 2013

The {21} Challenge.....week 3!

Ok...this is IT! The light is at the end of the tunnel! The {21} Challenge is almost done...finished....complete!  
Seriously...this 2nd week was the hardest & YOU DID IT!!!! *We CAN do hard things, right?*
EAch day, we have learned something new, don't you think? I'm LOVING this new adventure I'm on!
No matter how hard this is....I'm learning to 'create my own sunshine' w/ this journey!

See these 'torturous' things? yea...I go visit them at Lyceum at Brick Canvas. & let me tell you....this has been SUCH an amazing journey...I'm LOVING these workouts! If you are in Utah...check them out! I've recruited 2 friends already *wink*...can you say BRAVE girls?** And, I'd LOVE to see you there! (no, I am not getting anything to talk about them...hee heee...) I'm just fully LOVING it & wanted to share! Trish & Jesse are FULLY MOTIVATING & this is what I needed to get my body back in gear after being so sick & NOT able to move!

 So, as this says...I didn't stop dreaming of being healthy, but I started DOING too!  I'm LOVING the way it pushes me! I still hurt, don't get me wrong. But, it's hard to explain. With Fibromyalgia it is always about pain, but I feel a degenerative pain everyday that can be depressing. With this TRX training we do at Lyceum, it still hurts, and I'm still in pain...BUT, it's more of a 'i-did-something-really-difficult' hurt! ya know? takes EVERYTHING I've got. Every. Day. Seriously...this is NOT for the faint of heart! LOL!

 Each day these quotes have helped me CRUSH through the brick wall. We all hit it, I know. But, we don't have to let it stop us! We CAN climb over it & crush it!

But, one thing I've felt and am hearing from some 21ers is: 'I feel like I'm sabotaging myself'....right? I know it sounds crazy. You think: I'm doing this great thing for 21 days, but for some reason...sometimes we do this crazy thing called: holding ourselves back. Either because the work it takes scares us, or we don't have confidence in ourselves, or we don't feel like we are WORTH it to give it our all...but, it's time to STOP! We are all meant to shine...we ARE worth it and we CAN do it!

And, it's a good good day to be AMAZING! Right? We have 1 more week. Here's to giving it our ALL! 

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