Thursday, August 20, 2009

**another GREAT day...celebration time!

Today is another great day....for 3 reasons.
(collage frame: House of 3)
No. 1: dad's birthday. I love this man. He's kind, funny, smart, & has set such an incredible example to me & my 5 siblings...not to mention his 27 grandchildren. Thanks, dad, for being the kind of dad that uplifts & inspires me...continually! I love you!

(photo by Terra)
No. 2:
My good friend, Layle is celebrating a birthday, too! She's amazingly talented, fun to be around & just knocks your sox off with her style! love ya, girl!

No. 3:
I love summer. I love being with my kids. But, by the end of summer vacation...we are ALL ready to kick into high gear again. Welcome School! Good bye Summer...see you next year!

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