Thursday, August 20, 2009

psst...calling all photographers>>>>>

and artists.
and designers.
and anyone creative who is learning the ins & outs of marketing themselves online. I wanted to share this with you.

It's called Over[Exposure].

It's a very cool photography marketing system ...a step-by-step system to teach you how to get massive exposure on the web and grow your photography business in any economy. Tyler Garns teaches you how to market & sell your work online.

Check out the Think Big Art blog.

Most artists will never make real money until they realize that they must be a MARKETER first and an ARTIST second.

An artist by definition creates art. That’s it. Art does not sell itself.

A marketer can take that art and tell its story to the right audience in such an effective way that the audience comes clamoring to buy.

Ka*pow. That hit me hard. So true. So true.

I'm not a professional photographer, but the concepts I've read over there flow over to my work as a graphic artist. So, it intrigues me & makes me want to read more. learn more.

I love this post about the changes in photography & keeping up with the evolution of change & Photoshop!

Or this post about capturing the photography AND in marketing.

I love the way he writes. He's got talent...both as a photographer ( I mean, hey...look who his dad is!
) and as a marketer!

And..I believe in his marketing strategies, knowledge & expertise. After all...Tyler is my cousin. Jerry Garns is my uncle.

Over[Exposure] launches on Sept. 14 & you can get on the early bird list here to sign up. They'll send you great business and marketing tips every few days.

I know I can always learn new stuff about doesn't come naturally to me, so...bring on the help, Tyler! Thanks! I can't wait!


  1. Thanks foR the supeR hot info. TyleR has a lot to offeR and who can't use gReat tips? No wondeR you aRe so talented. It Runs in the family!!

  2. had a looksie at Over Exposure.
    He has some very good points so I have signed up!!

    thanks for the link. Would have never heard of it otherwise.

    esp being in Australia.

  3. i saw this when you were tweeting it. it's really really interesting. i sent it along to friends and can't wait to see more.

    thanks for the heads up
