Monday, August 10, 2009

today's a gooooood day!

3 of my fave people are celebrating birthdays...

pop on over & wish Sande a big HB!...she's my isanely creative, talented, fabulous, artistic soul sister. love you, S!

& my favorite Sol 9 years old today! baby...9! he's the sunshine in our lives. hence, the name. Sol. Spanish for the sun. He's a light. Ever since he was born I could feel his happiness radiate. Doesn't this picture just show it all? Love him. Love what he's brought to my life & our family.
&...the 3rd~ my nephew. The cutie patootie is 2!!! *photo by the amazing Cherie!
He's darling...looks a lot my like dad & it's so fun to see him grown up. He adds a lot to our family & we are so thankful for him!
enjoy your own celebrations today!


  1. It's a wonderful life is'nt it?!!!
    There's a saying in spanish:Encantada der ver nacido!
    Translates to:Happy to be alive!
    Heres to life! Celebrate!

  2. really nice pictures. Love the one of your friend in front of that wall.
    enjoy your day!xxx

  3. whoo-hoo!! we love you, sol! hope you had a fun b-day!! :)
