Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Let me Spark your interest.....

I'm so excited to share this with you!
Introducing....a creative journey event like none other. Spark {the Event} will be held on November 6 & 7th at Salt Lake City's amazing This is the Place Villiage.

Margie, Liz, Jefra & I have been working hard to bring the kind of creative event that will
Spark your creative soul.

So? What is Spark?

I love what Margie wrote:
Spark is a creative journey...Spark is a creative lifestyle...Spark is about being a creative woman. Spark is about being inspired by other creative women...Spark is about sharing creative ideas...Spark goes way beyond paper and glue...Spark is getting in touch with your creative spirit...Spark is going to be amazing...

For all the FAQs, look here.

The Backstory:
Have you ever had that immense creative SPARK when you are with your creative friends? The kind of spark that ignites, inspires & makes you want to create right. then. and. there? When you talk about creative things & you get goose bumps?

That was Margie, Liz & I as we met at one of our favorite local bistros for lunch: Dear Lizzie. The boutique & bistro are just filled with inspiration & creativity. We sat there, as friends, talking about how we love to surround ourselves with people that are filled with positive energy. Other women who 'get it'....& how much it inspire & uplifts us to create alongside those women.

The sparks flew. The ideas were sparked. And there were goosebumps as we talked about an event that went past paper & glue. That got to the heart of what every creative women loves: capturing.
all in our individual ways.

We invited the amazing
Jefra Linn to this journey as well. (I've learned so much from her & the way she sees things creatively! If you'll remember, she & Nichole V. took our House of 3 photos/vidoe for our website..they are both amazing artists!)

Since we all live in Utah it's been an amazing journey to get together & plan this type of event for those creative women who want to share, get in touch with their creative spirits & connect. This event was planned as a small, intimate gathering of 15o people. We really want to connect & share with each other. You know when you go to an event & it's so huge you never even get to talk to the other amazing attendees? At
Spark we'll be able to get to know each other on a very close level.
And...we are soooo excited to have another Utah local...our keynote speaker, Cassandra Barney!
I absolutely *love* her artistic work, her witty sense of humor & her deep, rich way of thinking, expressing & writing on her blog!

We have so many amazing people here in Utah & hope to share these amazing talents & creative souls!

Lots of things planned. It's not your typical event. We'll have music, food, dancing, sharing, teaching, laughing, creating, & learning...but NOT in your typical way!
lots of surprises are up our sleeves...
I mean.. have you ever been on the
Spark Train? getting energized? yea...we'll be takin' a train ride @ This is the Place....woot woot!

So, if you are looking for a 2 day get*away to share, learn, love &
spark your creativity...this is for you.

Registration opens Aug. 24th.
Locals, you can go home & sleep in your own beds after the party on Friday & come back on Sat. morning! Utah guests, we'll have hotel information at the Marriott that is close to the venue!

We can't wait to connect with you &
Spark our creative spirits together!

Follow us on Twitter. Join us on Facebook!
come & feel the spark!


  1. This sounds amazing beyond belief. Wish I could be there

  2. Wow, this sounds really awesome Rhonna. Is this event going to be an all or nothing thing? Anyway very very cool, I'm sure a lot of people are excited about this.
    So fun that you will have Cassandra there too, her hubby was my h.s. art teacher for two years :) The Barney's are very creative.

  3. Oh `Wow` I bet you all have so much fun..
    `The `Sparks will be flying everywhere:)xxx

  4. trying to work out the trip from Maine to Utah!! hoping it's possible... this seems so exciting!!

    ps SOul Happy book almost finished with the altering :)

  5. awesome! still trying to figure out why i have trouble finding events like this by me!?!?! LOL Envious of anyone in Utah and West Coast! ha ha Have a ball!
