Tuesday, August 4, 2009

3 things....

all very cool.
1. Janet
did a fabulous House of 3 project on Ali's blog. **love her images**
Check it out.
2. New Baby's First Year book...wow! Love this printable kit!
3. Janet's about to have her baby...tomorrow morning to be exact!
sooo......in honor of Janet's new baby arrival...let's have a give away!
who wants a free Baby's First year kit?
share the love....


  1. What an amazing album, I would love to have one of these please!!!

  2. Oh so pretty, would luv to be the lucky recipient.

  3. please pick me!!!! I need it for my new nephew!

  4. I have been looking for a kit like this since my daughter was born over a year ago. I love it! It is adorable!

  5. Congrats Janet! Can't wait to see pics :) And I would love to have the album! :D

  6. I have a friend who is going to have her first and this album would be great for her! Hugs from Texas!

  7. Ooh! I want one! I saw this on Ali's blog and LOVED it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. I want a baby kit...and a baby!

  9. Ooh, Me! I'm due in 6 weeks with my second and I must confess I never have scrapbooked my first (and now she's 4.5! Eek!)

  10. I would love one. I am hoping for a baby and maybe this will bring me good luck. Love Hof3!

  11. Thank God for RSS feeds, i would never know about these giveaways!
    I would like one! Pick me, pick me! :D

    My friend is due to have a baby in March and i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to make this for her!

    Good luck Janet! Prayers and love!

  12. Oh, pick me pick me! What a beautiful set, so easy to print out for a lovely keepsake!

  13. Gorgeous kit. I'm expecting my first so would love to win this kit :)

  14. Of course I would love to have one of these!!! happy wishes to Janet and thanks for the chance to win!!

  15. awesome kit- always love giveaways :)

  16. had seen this while browsing House of 3 the other day and wanted it but after seeing Janet's project on Ali's blog this morning I REALLY want it! Thanks for the chance to win one!

  17. Ooh Pick me pick me! love the album and LOVE the giveaway!

  18. I would love to be able to give this to my little girl someday.

  19. I want it for my new grandson born last week!!

  20. I love what Janet has done with this kit! Amazing and no pink. I would love to win.

  21. OHHH How fabulous!
    I just found out I'm PREGNANT!!! Yeaaahhhh... :)

  22. I'd love one-- I'm thinking it would be a great baby shower gift!

  23. Love it! My daughter-in-love is about to have our second granddaughter! Would love, love, love to start one for her . . . Sarah Elizabeth.
    Love everything House of 3 and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for Janet!

  24. Good Luck too Janet, I hope everyhting goes great. I would love this kit for my little girl. It looks awesome!!!

  25. I would LOVE the opportunity to win one!

  26. I would love to get this kit. I have a new little one joining our family in the next month and I would love to make this for my sil and one for my 7 yr old niece.

  27. I would love to have one. I have a baby shower to go to at the end of the month for a friend from church and this would be perfect. She doesn't scrapbook so this would be a great way to get her to do some crafty things.

  28. Oooh I do, I do! I love House of 3 and all your cool fab projects!

  29. I love the images in here..I don't have a baby but I have lots of children around me with milestones so I would love one!

  30. I want one, can't wait to use this with my next baby!

  31. Oh boy do I! My first grandchild is coming in one month :) I really need to get prepared. I want to be able to get ahead of it all. I know we'll all be very busy with the beginning of school and a baby at the same time :)

  32. I have a baby!! I could use one of these cute kits :)

  33. Best of luck to Janet and her new baby...such blessings are our children. Beautiful gift for a new mom this baby album:}

  34. It's beautiful. I would love one as it would make a beautiful gift for a friend. She's going through a heartbreaking time with her second child arriving but was deemed far too special for this earth. Being able to capture those sweet, short memories in such a beautiful way am sure would help her.

  35. Lol, this is awesome Rhonna, my sister just had a baby yesterday and I was just thinking that HO3 needed to do some baby stuff :)

  36. This would be amazing to have. I would love to win this to work on for my niece.

    ~Meredith F.
    rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com

  37. meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! to make one for a friend! :)

    it is so pretty!

  38. Who wants one??? ME, oh yes I do! I have 5 nephews or nieces being born between now and December...that is a LOT of crafting!! This would be a perfect gift for one or 2 of those mommies and babies!

  39. my little one turned 1 last month. this is PERFECT for a little album!! Would LOVE to win it!!!

  40. I would love to make some in bulk for all the mommies at the kindergarten expecting their second babies all in a row.... Here's wishing Janet best of luck for tomorrow :-)

  41. THis is gorgeous, Congratulations Janet,
    beautiful kit.

  42. All the best for Janet and her little one!!!

    The kit is AMAZING!!!

  43. Count me in! I have a friend that is going to be adopting a new born very soon and this would be the perfect gift!!!!!

  44. I would love to have one to give my oldest niece expecting her first baby in 2 weeks!

  45. Please pick me! need to do gifts for three showers this fall!!!

  46. would love one of these new adoption happening in family any day now!

    Amy Coon

  47. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE that kit...I work for the Pregnancy Counseling Center and I would love to present a book to one of the moms..who most of the time live in a shelter or very low income and can't do anything like this...they come to us for help!

  48. Well of course I want one! Who wouldn't? It is so pretty, as is everything Janet does. Happy Baby Day!!

  49. Congrats Janet! Would love to have a baby again. Our little princess was born 3 1/2 yrs ago (5 yrs after 2nd brother) and I would love to scrap her 1st year. Haven't done it yet. Your album would be perfect!

  50. I'm sitting here with a huge belly butting up against my keyboard.. two weeks to go before my second little boy arrives! Would love to be able to use this kit to showcase his first year- gosh how I know it flies! :) Thanks for sharing all your great ideas and finds with all of us...

  51. would love to win...thanks for the chance!

  52. Wow, so pretty! Thanks for the chance at winning.

  53. Oh, I do, I do!!! You guys are always so creative!!

  54. Love the baby book! Who wouldn't love one?
    :) Sharon in WY

  55. Thanks for doing a giveaway. I just had a baby too!

  56. This is really cool and I'd love to win!

  57. OMG!!! This book is so beautiful that I think I'm going into labor!!! Can I pick one up on the way to the hospital???

  58. OMG I think I'm going into labor over this lovely baby book...can I pick it up on the way to the hospital??????

  59. thanks for your generosity!! i would love to have these gorgeous pages!!! these would perfectly go with my enhanced photos from jessica sprague's photo-editing class! pls pick me!!!

  60. oh so pretty, i want this kit. going to make me want a baby too. right now will just scrap for my soon to 13 nieces/ nephews

  61. Me too!!! I want one.lol
    My I would love one!!!

  62. oooh - I do, I do! Thanks for sharing.

  63. This is billed as a baby book but the idea could be adapted for other things. Of which, I would like to try! Thanks.

  64. I would love to win this kit to make a baby album for my almost four year-old son!! Better late than never...

  65. Beautiful kit! And I need to get to work on that first year!

  66. i would love to get my hands on that!

  67. What a special day! New life, new love . . . Thanks for everything from House of 3! You girls ROCK!

  68. I would love one of these! Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. Her book is so great. I'd love a kit.

  70. It would be the perfect gift to make for my grand daughter due Dec 1st.
    What an amazing book.

  71. SO cute!! Thanks for such an awesome chance to win!
