Monday, August 3, 2009

& here's to you, Mrs. Stringham....

on Friday Sande had Layle, Allison, & I **we missed you, Loni!** over for a good bye party for our fabulously delish friend, Mrs. Stringham.
We ate.

caught up.


laughed. and laughed. and laughed.

Terra was so fab...totally fun to meet her & she caught such fun, memorable shots of us. Jessi was always behind the camera when we got together, so we don't have pix of us all. This was truly a treat. Thanks, Terra & Sande, for making it possible!
I just love these girls. women. soul sisters. They are all so inspiring to me: they help me want to be my best. love you all!

I have to admit, I got a little misty eyed watching this video....we have so much fun together & you will be missed, Jessi.
We love you!


  1. If you ever have a chance to answer this question on your blog.....

    I downloaded the collage templates, when they're in photoshop, the background is transparent, but once I put them on my blog, they have a white background. What am I doing wrong?

  2. What is that gorgeous song on the video?

  3. I LOVE the pics Rhonna! :) You all look so beautiful! :)

  4. I GOt misty EYED!!! wISHING your friend lots of happiness and success wherever this road of life leads her...and sending the rest of you lots of comofort as I know how it is when one of the girls goes on to better and brighter things. By the way...who sings that song? It was great.

  5. It is Ingrid Michaelson's "Maybe". I was on my way home from taking these pictures and this song just came on the radio. I thought it would be PERFECT for these pictures, so I had to look on the radio stations website at what time I heard it and find out what it was! Well worth the effort! :D
