Monday, August 31, 2009

winner, halloween & bloggled

Happy Monday!
And...happy winning, Susan (Le Petit Poulet)! It looks like the Random number generator liked you today! You are the winner of Pipsqueak Couture's fab tree dress! lucky girl! Email me your info & we'll get you hooked up!
Halloween's coming!!!!! **today is Aug. know what that means...Oct. 31st is just around the corner!

I get goosebumps just looking at these
NEW Haunted House kits over at House of 3!!!! I'm seriously giddy to start decorating for of my FAVE holidays to decorate, create & let my imagination out to play! Every day this week, we'll be highlighting one of the new kits & giving some tricks & treats! Today, it's the Hof3 Haunted Dingbats! Go check it out here!
& check this out!

It's called Bloggled & it's a new back up system for Blogspot/Blogger & Twitter. I love it! About 3 years ago I had to take down my other blog:
Dreamy. This was where I started the 21 many participated in & I had NO way of backing any of that info up, so I LOST all of my posts, photos, links~ everything. I STILL wish I had all of that info, but, alas....I didn't back up my blog.
Now, I can!!!! I'm so excited! It's basically a subscription based program that will back up your blog AND has printing options~blog to book! love this!
So, I've got a 20% off lifetime subscription code for all my bloggers: RHONNADESIGNS is the code! go sign up for the 30 day free trial & then when it's over, the 20% code will kick in! Sooo excited to have this...only wish I had it several years ago!

ok...happy monday & see you tomorrow!


  1. So excited about the new Hof3 designs! I can't get enough. Already went to Bloggled and signed up. Thanks for the info!

  2. LOVIN' the halloween fonts & brushes!! Any chance of princess & fairytales in the future ?! {Please} :)

  3. awesome, rhonna! love the halloween vibe. bloggled is an awesome idea! love eet.

  4. So excited about the Halloween stuff!! So cool making my purchase right now :)

  5. thanks for the bloggled link. i don't know what i'd do if i lost my blog. the sadness!
    i'm loving all the fun stuff on hof3. i'd second the princess & fairtale stuff ;)
