Tuesday, October 5, 2010

refocus. rejoice. & be still....

I'm feeling much better. Thanks for everyone's well wishes...I think I just ran out of gas. My body was telling me to slow down. *wink*.

So, I listened

 I listened to this over the weekend...my favorite 'filling station'. & I have to say....I was certainly filled up.  I listened very, very carefully. I listened to wise counsel, eternal truths, & at times it even seemed like the speakers were interjecting, 'Rhonna.....listen to this' ...it was as if they knew exactly what I needed to hear to refocus. rejoice. & be still.

One of my favorite quotes really hit home:

I can't wait...the text will be available on Thursday...& you can bet I'll be reading & re-reading these amazing messages.
So....it's October...how did that happen? I feel like I lost about 2 weeks. But...it's my favorite month...Fall. my Birthday. Halloween. I'm giddy!

Last night we had fun w/ our neighborhood's 'Boo' fest. I love this time of year....it was all chilly & we dressed up in dark hoodies....running & ringing doorbells throughout the neighborhood. I feel like a little kid when we do this....so fun....

We filled a chinese take out box of spider rings & attached the Boo poem with a 'we've been Boo'ed' sign, too. Then, they have 24 hours to pay it forward. Heee! let the fun begin...I'd say this is a way to rejoice.  I love spending time with my family!

What are you guys doing with your family this season to rejoice??


  1. Happy birthday month, Rhonna! This is our favorite time of year too. We love when September rolls around because the Halloween publications start showing up as well as all the Halloween products. Oh and Martha Stewart is having her Halloween special on Hallmark on October 10th. lol

    My sister and I throw a Halloween party the Saturday before Halloween. We spend hours coming up with a delicious menu, I spend way too much time designing and creating invitations (using a lot of House of 3 digital goodness this year) and then we both decorate and cook outrageous amounts of food for the dinner (our guests are stuffed by the time they leave as we are food pushers! lol). This year we are making those fantastic rings that Janet created as party favors.

  2. I loved this weekend too. Something that stood out to me, during Conference, was Pres. Uchtdorfs talk {LOVED it!} when he quoted De Vinci, "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication" can't wait to print that talk out & read it again & again. Happy October!

  3. Can we get the poem? I have never heard of this.
    Thanks bunches Angelica

  4. thanks for posting that quote, it was truly what i need to hear, we are in the middle of a big decision, and that quote really helps me refocus on that is best for my family! thanks your amazing and so talented!

  5. So glad you are better sweet friend! Thanks for sharing, it sounds inspiring, the conference. Love the neighborhood festivity too! Hugs from Conroe TX!

  6. Rhonna,
    So glad your feeling better! There is nothing like a little R & R and listening to God thru one of his servants. Have a great week!

  7. i think that was in the talk by elder uchtdorf? i felt that same way about everything he said. it just hits home sometimes, doesn't it??
    glad you are feeling better...i've missed stalking you!;D
    that creepy enough for ya?? ha ha.

  8. eet was the beyst. so glad you are back!!

  9. Rhonna, I just love reading your blog, and all of the inspiration! Wondering if I could get a copy of your 'boo'ed' signs you do around your neighborhood! I think it is so cute and would love to start this in my neighborhood! Thanks tons!!
