Friday, October 29, 2010

are you.....

On Friday, November 5th, we'll start another round of The {21} Challenge
Who's in?

For those of you that have joined me know the drill.  For those of you that are new to this's the 411.

1. Choose 1 habit you want to make or break in the 21 days.
*we'll end on Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S.*

2. Choose an art journal of some kind. old book, notebook, scrapbook, sketch book...something! 
OR you can make the little book  out of the NEW House of 3 21 Challenge kit. There's a tiny book that you can make 5x 2.5. I love it. I've found that sometimes you don't have the time to do a full blown art journal, but you do need 5 min. of creative time....a small canvas is much more do-able at times.  But, you may choose to have a larger book..whatever inspires you!

3. Meet back here on Friday, November 5th for your daily motivational coaching!  I'll have art from the kit plus quotes, motivation & a kick in the can for you! *and me*. LOL. 

*note: this week's Wednesday Web Show will be an intro to The {21} Challenge. I'll share some of my past journals with you, my experiences & my tips for your successful 21 day journey!


Now...put your creativity hat on....get pumped...gather your supplies & let's ramp up for the next week.
Here are a few things to *spark* your creativity.

gaaaaaaa. can I die now? I think I've gone to heaven.

and...this is still one of my fave things to watch: Veer's creativity never ceases to amaze me.

Happy Friday & please leave me any questions you have about the {21} Challenge HERE in the comments. Thanks!


  1. Count me in for this wonderful journey, Rhonna! We had such an amazing time last year. Thank you and hugs!!

  2. of course I'm in!! I just have to think what I want to give up or start up. Wish me luck.

  3. Oooh, this sounds like a great thing to try! I can think of a couple of things right off the top of my head that I want to work on for a 21 day challenge.
    Count me in!

  4. I'm ALL in! Sounds like fun! I'll get a chance to be creative and kick a bad habit! How much more productive can a girl get!?!! *wink!

  5. I'm ready for another 21 challenge!!! Hugs

  6. I'm IN!! This will be my first time. Okay i'm excited and ready to kick my creative side into major gear! Love this, time to think of an art journal... :D

  7. so looking forward to the 21 day challenge.....this will be my my Ce book.......
    thanks again for the felt flowers from your birthday hope you are feeling better!!!!!
    thanks for all you do!

  8. I'm in....can't wait! Hope you're bouncing back and feeling much better. Have a beautiful weekend, Rhonna.

  9. oh my has been a LONG time..and a long time coming...I think I am in!!!!

  10. Im IN! i have been waiting all month for this! i can't wait to do it again!

  11. Count me in too! I am ready for this. I love that it will end on Thanksgiving, great timing :)

  12. i love this challenge. it was very habit changing last year.
    now one needs to go and create time to be faithful to the 21 again.

  13. can we 'lift' a 21 day challenge image of yours to post on our blog?

  14. i'm in for the 21 challenge!
    i was dying over the anthro catalog too! i am amazed by every single page!! very alice in wonderland woodsy!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'm in! My Creative Self needs to be "resurrected". (desperately!;)

  17. I'm in Rhonna! My first time. A wonderful idea. Thanks for the inspiration and the beautiful kit. xx

  18. Can't wait!! I have done the 21 challenge twice before with it and am in in for sure!!

  19. I'm in, too. (And kind of glad it got postponed. Much like you, my body blew up in October and I'd have been waaay too sick to play, then.) :D


  20. Count me in for this wonderful journey this is going to be great

  21. I'm in for my 1st 21-Day challenge. I need a life-changing thing to happen to me. Thanks for the chance to try : )
