Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Daily Gratitude....

Yes. this seems to be my mantra grateful. daily. 
Not once a week. Not when I feel like it. Not when it's easy.
Tonight's web show will be highlighting our new collection: Daily Gratitude. Love it!
the colors. the vibe. everything. & as you'll notice, there is no orange in it which is commonly used at this time of year. I designed it with the idea of it being used daily...all throughout the year. BUT, it goes so well with our Gratidue collection from last year if you're dying to add orange & grey to it! It does look beautiful!
And, as Janet shows us here in this *amazing* tablescape; 
She used the *new* Ornate Alpha Printable kit! (also comes in a brush set)
love this...
so, don't miss the web show TONIGHT! *sadly, I won't be there again..I have a pressing meeting I need to be at! LOL!* I'll miss you again!
thx for all of the Felt Flower orders...I ended up not even using my Etsy...but, we do have a few more left...Just email me here. before they disappear!'s to a GREAT Wednesday!
P.S. Did you see? The 21 Challenge Art kit is up..I'll be starting a NEW round on Friday Nov. 5 so we will end ON Thanksgiving in the U.S...but, that doesn't mean you can't join in if you don't live in the U.S. *wink* More info to come...


  1. i love it!! what a great line, what a great idea.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amazing line!! Love the tablescape!! I'm ready for the challenge so I better get the kit!!we'll miss you tonight. hugs sweet friend!!

  4. Great set of tags and creative way to display them! Love this! :)

  5. Sign me up Rhonna I am ready for the 21 day challenge. Will we get instructions on how it works? I will get the printable kit on Friday when I get paid.

  6. So will you be doing a tutorial on the flowers?

  7. ooohhh. can't wait for the next 21 day challenge!!

    And yup...we gonna keep bugging you for that tutorial on those flowers!!

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE the 21 Challenge Art Kit; it's absolutely beautiful!!!
    x Rolin
