Monday, May 16, 2011


Balance is a tricky thing in my life. I've always focused on my family & really try to not let *anything* get in the way of that...but, 
I have a tendency to go full speed ahead on a creative project & let the laundry pile up. 
Or I get into a mind set & focus on my spirituality while I neglect my housework.
Or I get on a big health kick & I cut out going to lunch w/ my friends.

All of those things are good things...great, in fact...but finding the 'better part' is so tricky for me...
always has been.

So...I've been really trying to work on balance in my life.
in my head.
in my home.
in my heart.
You know....Balance my mental, physical, spiritual & emotional parts of my life....& find the beauty in that. 

A lot of my goals are really hitting home. I love re-prioritizing & making sure I'm not getting out of balance....feels good.
...scary sometimes, but good.

I've found fly lady to be extremely helpful in getting things in order around my house. Especially this 15 min. declutter exercise. Love the balance it brings to my home!

I took (& finished) a 100 day challenge to read my favorite book: the Book of Mormon....finished it this past week. *peace* It means so much to me & really gives me the boost I need for my soul & spirit! This is one thing I can NOT let get out of balance. It's so important to makes me who I am.

Emotionally, I'm taking time to spend quality time with my times, I've gotten 'so busy' (& then got too sick) that I let that important part of my life get out of balance. It's so essential to my balance...I'm re-prioritizing & making time for girl time!

so physical balancing act. I'm happy to say that after going to my dr. since January, 4 months later...I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The sacrifices I've been making are all starting to help! *whew* I've said it before, but I will NEVER take my health for granted again! Good health. ahhhh. it's nice to see you again!

Today, I'm finding the beauty in balance. It's so important to re-evaluate your life every now & make sure your priorities are where they should be! & make the appropriate changes.

So, the question today is:
Are you finding the beauty in balance?
do tell.

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