Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You don't have to be perfect....

....You just have to be your best.

This was the overall message to me...I loved this. 
Such peace
It just resonated in my soul when I heard Julie B. Beck say this during Women's Conference last week. 
It's true.
We, as women tend to be so hard on ourselves...& there's no reason to be!
be kind to yourself!

We try to measure up to everyone else...yet, we are missing the whole point: to be & do our best. OUR own best. Not someone else's.

So many messages spoke to me...& I hope they uplift & inspire you, too!
took a few instagrams during our 2 days...

So....I wanted to share some of my faves:

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The only person you need to be better than, is the person you were yesterday. -Barbara Thompson
People w/ a goal succeed because they know where they are going. Write down your goals. Keep them in sight.
What's the difference between mud puddles & geysers? ENTHUSIASM! Choose to be enthusiastic in all that you do. You WILL see success! 
Identity. Testimony. Spirit. Example. Desire...Become. - Mary Cook 
Make it a priority to 'be still' everyday. Listen. Stop. Prioritize. Then the things we need to do become clear.
We can recognize our weaknesses, but don't wallow or glory in them. 
It's important to know of your heritage. This will add clarity to your identity. Who you are..what you are capable of. You are strong!
You are capable of doing & becoming more than you realize. Have faith in yourself.
Each of us has a different story; but in the end, we are made to be happy. Choose to be happy.
Are you the real YOU? Or a distorted vision of YOU? it's time for change to be the YOU, you are meant to be.
Beauty & Motherhood are one. - Stephanie Nielson
See the strength in yourself. Look through God's eternal lens at WHO YOU ARE!
 It's all about LOVE. We can't control who loves us, but we can control who we love. Share the love. - Bridgette Server
 The Conference was simply amazing. So many words of inspiration...I came home just flying high! re-focused. ready. & have made some new, exciting goals. I feel un-stoppable! I hope it will last! *grin*  So, Happy Tuesday & make it your best day ever!

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