Monday, May 30, 2011

monday makeoveR>>>blog design

new look. new mantra. new chapter.

I love Mondays.
I love makeoveRs.
& I've got lots of makeovers-in-progress goings, I thought I'd share my pRojects with you...
lots of you have been asking questions about my tweets & facebook posts about my 
pillow makeover, 
closet makeover, 
marathon training >> HUGE *me* makeover, 
gluten free recipes, 

So...this is a perfect place to start...
& since school is out this week & I'll be doing lots of projects around the house... 
Mondays will be my time to share! 
sound good? ya in?
Ok...'s a blog makeover.
I've got some fun things in the works..but, they are slow me, these days! *grin*
But, I do have my new logo: these cute hot air balloons...
 & my tag line:

*ideas to uplift & inspire*

was totally inspired by the concept of 'uplifting' things...notice birds, butterflies, bees, hot air balloons, get it...*smile*

This is my mantra these days...there's far too much negativity going on right now...It's time to focus on the positive things...surrounding ourselves with people, things, ideas, feelings & thoughts that

So, whenever you stop by my blog, I hope the feeling you get here is just that...uplifting & inspiring.
We are all in this together & when we build uplifting & inspiRing communities & friendships....the negativity will go out the window!

This blog is certainly a work in pRogress, but I'm enjoying the pRocess & little by little it will all come together...& it will take me into my new chapter!
hope you enjoy & stop by to be uplifted & inspiRed!

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