Tuesday, May 10, 2011

lots of catch up, please...

Do you ever feel that way? I have so many wonderful things that have been going on...& I will never get a chance to blog them..I'm sure. So, I just needed to STOP today & remember the good times. oy!

But rather than getting overwhelmed, paralyzed & discombobulated...I'll focus on 1 thing today:

Mother's Day...it was divine! 

I was treated like a queen...Jeff is so so good to me...have I said how much I adore him? well, I do. I love him so much. He made me some gluten free cake bites that were deeeeeeevine! 
And our kids were amazing, too...so thoughtful & my prezzies were all from the heart. I loved it.
We went to church & had a wonderful morning...but, then I got home & got sick. yea. NOT fun.
I did get to talk to my mom on the phone & tell her how much I love her & appreciate her...& of course, I cried. Mother's Day does that to me, I guess...& expressing from my heart how thankful I am for the kind of mom I have...she really is so amazing. 

 Hoping you all got to enjoy the free printables I gave you for Mother's Day! And from the looks of it...over 2,000 of my mother friends downloaded them! yea!!!! 
Have a happy Tuesday..I've got a little goodie for you tomorrow! See you then! 
p.s.  Are you LOVING the new Pinterest iPhone app? I AM!!!! too much, I might add! but, it does make me creatively happy! If you'll notice...you can add a 'pin it' to any image on your blog...so, feel free to PIN my word art..I love seeing how many of you have pinned & say such sweet things! hugs!

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