Tuesday, May 17, 2011

courage to start....marathon training

It's official.
We've signed up. 
got our hotel.
and...the marathon training begins. I'm not in it to get sub 3 or anything...just to finish...
just to have the courage to start this training program & do it!

This is something that scares me so much...but, I've always wanted to do this... & I was sooo motivated by this quote by Jillian Michaels
"Every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health & abundance."

so...bring it
I've mustered up the courage...don't know if I'll still have it at mile 20...LOL..but, I'm doing it!!!!
your challenge today: pick something (anything) that scares you & do it...you have the ability to transform it into power!

&...speaking of Jillian...I'm so excited for tonight's episode of The Biggest Loser....talk about inspiring!

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