Tuesday, October 27, 2009

exciting news!

Today is the launch for Wacom's Penscrappers. And, I'm soo excited & honored to be a part of the team! It's a new & improved site geared towards educating, inspiring & sharing info about the Wacom tablet: Bamboo Craft!

Look at all of these talented digital designers! They are all a*mazing! And each of us has prepared video tutorials in the Learning Center, on how to use your tablet in designing & scrapping! And...be watching...each month we'll have a contest/ challenge, free downloads & lots of cool stuff!
Wacom just plain rocks! They are one of our partnered faves on our House of 3 links page!
Love them!

And...speaking of House of 3, be sure to check out the newsletter going out....
a 25% gRatitude sale from midnight tonight until midnight Friday night!...perfect for those last minute Halloween buys!
Did you see what Heidi did with her Spooky Stairway? Love it!
And....I just posted some fun Haunted Lollies!
Check it out here!

have a fab Tuesday!


  1. No wonder my ears were ringing. I was just on the phone talking about getting a tablet when I logged on to check for new blog postings and here you are, talking about Wacom! Got to invest in one ASAP!

  2. I'm so excited about this! I got the wacom bamboo fun for xmas last year, and have barely used it. Off to check it out! Thx!

  3. Thanks for the info Rhonna, I just purchased the bamboo fun (the craft not in Australia yet) & I was wishing for a site to help me use it to its full potential so this will be great!

  4. Nice! I have one! Can't wait to see what yall do! :)

  5. I was just at Best Buy this past weekend looking for the new Fun tablet and they didn't have it! So, I'm going to order it online, can't wait! I will definately have to check out all the links you provided! Thanks and hugs from Conroe, TX!

  6. TFS! I loved the videos and sample layouts that were on the site before, so I can't wait to see the new ones!

  7. oh my....congratulations on being part of the wacom team. AWESOME! did you know you rock?

  8. Hi Donna,
    Still haven't been able to download your free B'day goodies. Any other way to get our hands on this beautiful "stuff". Thanks!!!

  9. Oh I will ABSOLUTELY check this out, congrats Rhonna! I have been using my Wacom as a fancy mouse pad so I am anxious to learn more:)


    Miss B.
