Friday, October 30, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about creativity lately...the highs & the lows. Everybody has good days & bad, right? But, we can't afford to be in a low for very long. Not just business wise, but emotionally.

I've been super busy...between getting ready for our big event: Spark> to working with Heidi & Janet on our House of 3 products/projects/ideas> to getting ready for Halloween with my kids> to church callings> to family responsibilites....yea. you get the picture.
We are all like this. I'm no different.

This is why I seriously rely on my Creativity Exercises. It keeps things all together for me. Personally, they boost my creativity & they've become a habit for me. But...when I hear things from YOU...about how these exercises are affecting YOUR just makes me smile.

I asked if I could share a few because they inspired me!

Brenda emailed & said:
Dear Rhonna, I just wanted to share with you that you have inspired me beyond belief...I participated in your 21 DAY CHALLENGE and purchased your creativity exercies...I am actively incorporating both into my daily life...

I have become so much more creative and I have learned so much about myself....I have been digging deep to become more creative and I have learned so much more about my Photoshop program and making my own creations with my program....

I also have become more creative with my photography...It is amazing how you can see things in a more creative way.... I just felt the need to share this with you and the difference all of this has made in my life....

or this one:

Hey Rhonna! I don't have a blog so I couldn't post or share during your 21 Challenge, but I just wanted to tell you what's going on in my life right now.
I've had a hard time with my creative self esteem lately. I've been down. Everyone's been down. Times are tough right now.

But, during your 21 Day Challenge I discovered that creating truly makes me happy. And even if I'm down I need to force myself to focus on things that can make me happy. It's my choice.
So, after the 21 Challenge I decided to buy your creativity exercises & see if they would help me. They did.

So much more than I could ever have imagined. I wanted to start a blog just to tell people about these amazing exercises! But, no one would have looked at it, so I wanted to email you & ask you to tell your bloggers about how much I love the creativity every single day.

Not only has it boosted my creative self esteem, but it's also helped me in so many other areas in my life. I am so thankful for your willingness to share these exercises with us. I know in the creative community some are very stingy with their 'secrets', but you share them & I thank you for that. My life will never be the same.

Thanks so much!

Julie about humbling. thank YOU, Julie & Brenda for sharing this. I am so thrilled that you love them as much as I do!

enjoy this weekend...creatively! I agree with this quote...creative power brings the whole universe in order...


  1. Hello There ! Love Love your work and Love Love to read your blog :) Now it looks like I missed the freebie birthday tags any chance of getting theme again?? Just love love the design and they would come handy in december when mum, dad, brother ,husband and sister inlaw all have their birthday within a week :) xxxx Tina

  2. Rhonna,

    I wanted to give you a heartfilled THANKS because not only did your 21 day challenge inspire me to think ahead and focus on my goals but I am a pharmaceutical sales rep trainer who bought the 5 book and used the video on 5 as an opening for a presentation last week. At the end of the presentation, I passed out the 5 book and it was great! It set a positive tone for the rest of our meeting and I believe that it made every single person think...the next 5 years could be the BEST 5 or just another 5. Thanks so much for all of your creativity and inspiration!! You are really blessed!


  3. Hey Rhonna...just wanted to give a shout out to thank you once again for hosting the Challenge...especially knowing how busy life is. Also wanted to comment to "Julie" and to tell her that she shouldn't let her notion of "nobody will read it"...stop her from doing a blog. For those of us who may or may not have an a business or a captive audience, our blogs are for ourselves and our families...and they are a great "creative" outlet. The fact that there are so many "free" blog platforms out there to "get your feet wet" with is also a great incentive to get please tell Julie to go for it! Especially if not having an "audience" is her only reason for trying one out. Hope this helps, fondly, Roberta

  4. I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog!! Your 21 day challenge helped me so much!! I've wanted to take part in your creativity exercises but can't at the moment. As soon as I can I'll be joining!!!

  5. okay. that's it...darn it! i'm heading over to get your creativity exercises...right. now. (okay, maybe later tonight when things aren't so hectic around here). but i'm totally going to get them.

    thanks rhonna...for your ongoing waterfall of inspiration!

  6. Hi Rhonna! This is Amy's other mother. I'm so happy Amy was/is able to join in all the "Spark"aling fun and excitement!! Can't wait to hear all about it when she returns home! You go- Girls!!

  7. Amazing grace indeed! Congrats to all involved in SPARK! Simply A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!!!!
