Monday, November 9, 2009


I'm with does seem like a dream.

But, it did happen. The magic spark dust was sprinkled & I feel like I want to create today & I already miss all the Sparks from all over the country!
The weather was absolutely perfect...sunny with a nip of Fall during the days.

and, the Autumn chill during the nights made the hot chocolate around the Spark fire taste even better!
So much to share, so much to say....
just wanted to give you a taste
of what was Sparking over the weekend...I'll be back tomorrow to share more!
So much heart was put into this event....& I think it turned out magical....couldn't have done it with out all of you involved. every single person made it what it was!
thank you!

**all photos by Wynona Robison. Thank you, sweet!


  1. I guess I missed it, but where did you have SPARK?

  2. It looks so lovely. I spent the weekend daydreaming about Spark and how much fun everyone was having!

  3. ohhhhh it looks like so much fun !! Please say you'll do it downunder :) We never get anything like this !!! xx Tina

  4. These photos are beautiful! Wish I had been there....

  5. oh! so sorry to have missed this. thought of all you creative hearts meeting together all weekend. just sure you were having a wonderful time.

    o.k...gotta ask...are you thinking of another next year? i sure don't wanna miss one again.

  6. Thank you to all of you Spark girls! What an incredible experience. And to think I almost didn't make it! ;) Everything was so beautiful and the incredible details were everywhere! I love my Remember album and can't wait to fill it with everything Spark and beyond!

  7. Rhonna,
    Are you going to be selling any Christmas brushes or frames this year at Hof3???!!! I would love to have them to help me create my Christmas card, but I don't know if I should hold out and wait for new brushes???!!!

  8. Hey Rhonna, I took part in your last 21 day challenge, needed to speak with you but can't find an email address? can you email me. Thanks Lisa G.

  9. colorado kid, Spark was held at This is the Place in SLC, UT! It was fab!

  10. Kim, you sweet wouldn't have been the same w/o you!!! sooo happy you came!
    hugs, my Spark sister!
    can't wait to see your Remember album!

  11. Lori!
    YES>>>>Christmas stuff will be out oh-so-soon!
    I'll let you know as soon as it's up on House of 3!

  12. Beautiful! I wish I was there... Rhonna, where did you all get the mini-globes that are hanging from the trellis (in photo)? Are they plastic/paper or other?

  13. wadev, the globes are vintage globes I've been collecting to hang in my son's room....when I get a chance to re-decorate, LOL!

    They are all sizes! super fun!
