Friday, November 13, 2009

Spark Shenanigans...

So, Day one, Friday....We'd planned on having a fun night of Shenanigans....just
letting loose!
getting to know each other!
riding the Spark Train!
taking photos!...I mean a hot pink photobooth? come ON! it was the icing on the cake!

After dinner we showed this fabulous movie Liz put together to set the mood...

This song totally pumps me up!....Liz nailed it! love it!

We split up in 3 groups:
& we danced outside on the Spark Train>>

dressed up & took photos in the Smile Now! Photobooth>>thanks, cute Suzzi!

& in the fun Photo wall>>
(from Lori's blog!)

from Liz's blog...look how FUN this is! Just a wooden wall covered in old dictionary pages (by Margie, Meg & Brooke)...add some fab frames, cut out & a little swag on the bottom...makes for a fun photo op!

Look at how cute Sandee & Kim are...I love these photos Sandee took! (thx for letting me snag them, my sweet! you are so good!)and games in the Spark Clubhouse>>

getting to know each other. was a night filled with Shenanigans....lights hanging in the trees,
music piped in the streets & just a magically delicious time was had by all!(photo credit: Wynona Robison)
It was a night filled with Spark....
can't wait to share Day Two, Saturday with you!


  1. wow Rhonna that post almost made me cry. Fabulous memories and you totally captured it. Thanks!

  2. I loved your post! :) I loved the ideas for pics..I loved Liz's video. :)

  3. oh yeah!! it WAS a good night!! i loved when you girls ran in dancing to 'i got a feelin'! and the shenanigans were under way. the video gets me all pumped up again too! loved eet.
