Monday, November 30, 2009


First off, hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving & had an attitude of gratitude. As promised, the 2 winners of the Compendium Gratitude books are....
Cristina & Missy!
Email me your mailing addresses & I'll get these out to you!

and....tomorrow is December 1st! Can you belive it?

I'm so excited for Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas online class. I LOVE everything she does & every year I've meant to take this class....but, suddenly Christmas is over & I missed the chance.

So, this year, I'm not letting that happen. I went & signed up & am so excited to start tomorrow. I think it will be so fun to bring in the House of 3 stuff to do this journaling along with her great kit that comes with it! (* & all of the other goodies.*)

Who wants to win a spot in her class????
It starts tomorrow, so you'll have to hurry up & sign in here telling me WHY you want to join in this year's JYC!
can't wait to hear!


  1. I too have wanted to take this class..I've got my fingers crossed!

  2. I always say I'm going to take her class, but time slips past me quickly this time of year. And, I forget. Like this year.

    I would love to take the class, to jot notes and memories of our holiday celebration. Each moment to remember.

  3. I'd love to take this class! This is our first Christmas being married and I'd love to document how we celebrate now that we have an opportunity to create our own traditions.

  4. I would want it for the same reason that you would.....lots of would ofs, should ofs, could ofs.....want to be sure I follow through like I did with your 21 challenge and most of all because if I won it would be FREE!!!!!!!

  5. After this past week with 2 deaths in less than a week, mid-terms co-insiding with 2 major projects and a final exam, has kept my mojo low and looking for anything to pump me up for the holiday season for my kids more than myself. Looks like an awesome class

  6. ooooohhh....i keep checking out this amazing class but am afraid to sign up for it. what if i can't keep up??????? but i want to SOOOOOO bad. maybe if i WON it ;) then i could do it totally guilt free! My kids are all growing up sooooo fast and I really should document this kinda stuff better!

    So pick MEEEEEEEE ;)

  7. It looks like a great class. I would love to win. What a great early Christmas present to myself. I always say I am going to document the holidays and never do. Now i won't have an excuse.

  8. I have wanted to do this class too! I am hopeless at recording this time of year, and a class would help me to become accountable and actually do it! I can't sign up as I don't have a credit card (being responsible lol) and I paypal doesn't let those down under transfer from their bank account, so my issue has always been how to pay for it...

  9. I would love a spot in Shimelle's JYC this year! I'm already set up for December Daily and Holidays in Hand and I think Shimelle's class would complement them perfectly. And I love the fact that once you've participated you're invited back each year. Not in the budget for me to purchase this year, but maybe I'll be lucky enough to win.

  10. I am in desperate need of something to get me in the Christmas spirit this year. I would love to be a part of this class to recapture the wonderful feelings of the holidays.

  11. I have always wanted a family to call my own. And now that I have that this Christmas, what better way can I tell them how much they mean to me. Giving them a gift of wonderful memories.
    This class would allow me to record OUR story.

  12. I have heard such wonderful things about this class. I would love a Christmas journaling project!

  13. I would love to win a aspot in this class. I have wanted to document Christmas for a while and I am not getting any younger.

  14. I'd like to accomplish anything these days! Yeah, it's going like that!!!

    Hey, look at that another KARIN right above me, now that is really something, maybe it means something really good for one of us!

  15. I have wanted to take her class for the past 2 years!! I would appreciate it so much!! Thanks for the chance, Rhonna. LOVE your blog and all your creative goodies!


  16. I have wanted to take this class for the past TWO Christmases. This year my three year old son is really feeling the Christmas spirit, documenting this exciting time for him has become important to me.

    Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  17. Like many, I feel that all too often, I get caught up in the "to-do's" of the season and can easily overlook and forget the real beauty that is Christmas. I think this class would be an amazing way to stop, reflect, and enjoy the moments that make up the season.
    Thanks for the opportunity!
    Catherine R.

  18. I would LOVE this class! I'm in the same boat you were - then it was too late to sign up or December was half-way through. This year my goal is to capture the Holidays for my family but with budgets tight, I'll enjoy the sneak peeks... Thanks for the chance!

  19. Because I loved doing Ali's December Daily last year and think this would be a fun and new way to go through the month.

  20. What a great giveaway! I was debating and just signed up the other day. I'm excited for it to start. :)

  21. Like you every year I am always going to do the class but havn't, so to win it & DO it would be fabulous, thank you for the chance!

  22. This year I would like to do things different, I want to take time with my family and record the memories that I charish so much. It seem like I am running around doing things for everyone else and making them happy, I have been trying for 2 years to do 25 day christmas jounarl that Ali has on her blog, but I just can't find the time, well this year is Different, I am making the TIME! Something for myself I love looking back at years past. Thank you for the chance to make this happen. I hope that you have a wonderful Holiday season with your family and friends.

  23. I would really love to take this class! This will be my Fiance's and I first Christmas together. We've been together for 3 years and never spent the Holidays togther. This year will be different coz I just moved in with him 2 months ago.

  24. As my generation becomes the "older" ones in the family, I find myself reminiscing on how the holidays traditions are reinvented and recreated as the faces in the family have changed. I really, really want to capture those memories in a meaningful way and preserve them. I need the inspiration and the push to get this important project done!

  25. I would so love to just stop, breathe, and savor the joys of the holidays this year, and taking this class would be a perfect step in the right direction!!!

  26. Would love to win this class! I have already started putting together an album but could really use the daily prompts to keep me going!

  27. I really need this class because journaling is the last thing i do on my scrapbook pages and it is also the most difficult. Plus i've done your quote challenges before and i want to participate to see your brilliant creations! Holidays can be depressing with missing family members and this class will keep my mind busy. Thx for the chance.

  28. I would love to take this class... I just put my journal together, and have NO idea what I'm going to write about!!

  29. I'd love to take this class because last year I started a December journal and never finished it! This class would help me complete it! Thanks for this chance.

  30. I want to take JYC this year so I have a framework to actually record some holiday memories.

  31. I will first admit that I had no clue that this class existed! And it is such an affordable price! How could I not have heard about this! I sometimes think that I don't need to journal December since my hubby and I don't have kiddos but hey, why not! I have an album set aside for Christmas this year and so this would be perfect for this! I was going to do the Ali book but this one sounds like a blast too! Plus I just bought a ton of House of 3 stuff that would be adorable for this! Would love a chance to win! If we don't win can we still sign up tomorrow? Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  32. Oh I just love Shimelle's classes.

  33. I have wanted to do her class for ages, she really inspires me. I just cannot afford to do it again, an expensive car MOT, partner out of work after being made redundant and the money blow of me leaving work to be a stay at home mum have contributed to a very poor me. I have a album made and I do plan to document this Christmas, but the prompts would help me no end I imagine. I want to record new traditions for my little girl and make her something she can cherish when she is older.

  34. I DO I DO!!! Please pick me. I have been eyeing this class for soooo long!!!!

  35. Oops I forgot to tell us why i would like to journal my christmas. This is the very first year where my parents, my in-laws, my sweet husband and I get to celebrate Christmas with my brother's family in 17 years!!!! Must document this special moment.

  36. I had my eye on taking this class but couldn't justify spending the money with Christmas around the corner, I would love to win this class!

  37. her class sounds super lovely!

    i would love to take this class, i used to scrapbook quite a bit, but really fell out of sync with my entire creative process and i think this would be just the jumpstart i need to get back into the swing of things.

    and how super sweet of you to share!

  38. oooh me to Rhonna, been gunna join in ....would love to win a place in Shimmelle's class

  39. I want a spot!
    This is my first time ever doing something like this and am already feeling a little overwhelmed.
    This class would be a great push to make sure I dont go crazy, back out and dont complete this project .

  40. I would love to actually document our Christmas meaningfully. Usually I end up with just a few photos of Christmas eve and day.
    I need help

  41. I NEED this class, since I am the most disorganized being on the face of the earth.

  42. I have recently just heard about this class and also Ali Edwards dec daily album but I need a little more instruction and think I would benefit from taking a class more so than doing it myself so I will be keeping my fingers crossed

  43. I've always wanted to take one of her classes, but overextending myself time wise, seems to be a problem of mine that I need to rectify. I would LOVE to take this particular class, because I've FINALLY got myself organized for the holidays and this would be a wonderful addition to my December Daily and Holiday's in Hand! ;)

  44. I feel that taking her class would actually force me to document this special season of celebration with my family by having the help to push me along to 'git r done' which then leaves something special for my kids to look back upon. What a wonderful opportunity for the winner! Thanks for putting this out there for us, Rhonna!

  45. I've just finished one of Shimelle's classes and they are awesome!
    I'd love to take this class. keep saying I'm going to but keep buying stuff for bub who is due in Feb.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. oops. sorry for the duplicate post. CindyML

  48. I feel like this year I need to work extra hard to focus on the season. We just moved to Las Vegas and now that the weather doesn't feel right it's hard to remember that it's the holidays. I'm also expecting my first child so that makes this year extra special.

  49. Wow, never heard of this class, but it sounds interesting...would love to try it..

  50. I have vowed to find the peace in this holday season, to not let the commercialism and stress of it all get to me. I have made my December Daily (ala Ali) and can't wait to fill its pages with memories of the season with my boys. I would love to win a spot in Shimelle's class! Thanks for the chance!

  51. I have wanted to take this class for the last two years. I love the idea of capturing holiday traditions, stories and everyday life. I think it will make an amazing keepsake for my kids! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

  52. I want to win this class so I don't have an excuse not to document the holidays. Something I have always wanted to do.

  53. I so often let the holidays fly right by without taking time to document and journal all the important things so this would be a great class.

  54. please, please, please pick me! Shimelle's classes are awesome but with Christmas coming up it's just not in the budget.

  55. As I watched my mother slowly lose her memory I realized just how important journaling things you hold close and always want to remember. I want to journal more but just need some direction.
    Hope to win.K

  56. This would be the perfect thing to get me out of this depression I'm in (going through a divorce). Please pick me, I need something else to occupy my mind. Thanks for offering the chance.

  57. this is awesome! i haven't ever heard of this class and it looks so amazing! i may have to sign up anyway!!

  58. I'd love to win for the motivation to create!

  59. Great Giveaway - what a motivator and as a single mom I am always looking for any assistance I can get on documenting memories - count me in please!

  60. What a great way to take time to enjoy and remember your holiday!

  61. What a wonderful Christmas Gift for my Kids and Grandkids to have to keep the Christmas Spirit Alive for the future. Thanks for a chancd to win!

  62. I'd love to win a spot in JYC- I need some jumpstarts on how to capture my older Christmas memories.

  63. I want to take this class because I have realized this year how short and precious life is. My mom has been in the hospital for almost a month now-she celebrated Thanksgiving in a hospital bed and her i.v.

  64. I have wanted to take this class for so long now. Why don't I? The time just seems to slip away and before I know it, it's December 15 and I feel like it's 'too little, too late'! Slowing down, enjoying the season and watching for the magic is what I want and this class would probably help with that immensely! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in Shimelle's class!

  65. I have always wanted to take it. My boys are growing up so fast I want to remember every moment.

  66. Would love to take this class! I am always saying I be better at recording our daily lives and the little moments seem to always slip away. Plus, she has such a great style!!!

  67. Would love to take this class! I am always saying I be better at recording our daily lives and the little moments seem to always slip away. Plus, she has such a great style!!!

  68. Oooh - I would love to take this class. It seems journaling is the one part I always have trouble keeping up with but as the kids get older, I see how important it is to incorporate into their scrapbooks.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. I have taken one of Shimelle's classes in the past, she is very talented. Thanks for the opportunity.

  70. I would love to take her class, she is such a talented girl! I'm ready to take pictures and journal our christmas and this class will really help with the organization and putting the album together! Thanks for the opportunity!

  71. I have so many neat memories that I want to share with my grandchildren.
    I have never followed through with journaling and just want to "plunge" in.

  72. I started last year and didn't make it past day 7. I'd love to try the digital additions this year and hopefully complete the whole journal :)

  73. I'd love to do it this year as well.

  74. I need help with Christmas !! This would be fantastic to take as it would give me the help I need.

  75. I would love to take her class. I would love the journal prompts to help me with making an album. Thanks for a chance.

  76. I would love to take the class as an early Christmas Present for me. Recording special X mas memories

  77. Oh boy! This would be PERFECT for this year. I'm seem to get too caught up in the details to truly enjoy Christmas. This year I've made a deal with my self to SLOW down, savor and make time to do the things I enjoy this season. I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to take this class. A great reminder to enjoy EVERY holiday season!

  78. I would LOVE to take that class. I've been so good about taking photographs this year, but so BAD about writing the stories behind the photos. I would love to have the community support in December to journal our adventures & traditions.

  79. Just had my fourth child a baby girl and time goes by so fast when I look at my 3 boys. I want to ensure I capture every moments we have and I love Shimelle!
