Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks....

for so many things. This Gratitude Blog Hop has been great. I've loved seeing everyone's projects. Thanks, Stephenie & May for inviting me to be a part of it! Loved it!

Unfortunately, I was slammed with several deadlines. all. at. the. same. time.
So, my gratitude project was very small.

How about this? Some Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes with House of 3 Gratitude Toppers!
I gave these to some very special people in my life right now...that are helping me
give Thanks...listening to me...bringing me a Coke Zero with ice on the side! *wink*
I wanted to show my gratitude to them with some sweet treats!
speaking of some of my deadlines....
check THIS out!
House of 3 designs is collaborating with Silhouette...& can now be cut with the Silhouette machine! Yes, you can go right into their store & download Hof3 designs to cut out with the Silhouette! it!
Heidi, Janet & I will all be showing some examples,

but check out what Kerri Bradford did..don't you LOVE it? ooo, can't wait for the possibilities! And be watching, there will be NEW Hof3 designs in their store every week!
now THAT'S something to give thanks for!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Love the 'gratitude' cupcakes!
    Sure wish I had that yummy Sweet Tooth Fairy bakery near to where I live!

  2. I just bought a lot of kits from your store. I can't wait to use them. But I am uber excited about you teaming up with Sillouhette. I ordered my machine last week and anxiously awaiting it. Now I am even more excited since you are on their market place.
    Love your stuff.

  3. what's the little ball used on the stick of the cupcake toppers. or are they special toothpick inserts? these look adorable! LOVE them.
