Friday, November 20, 2009

Grateful for....

so many things.....How about YOU? This week, I've been asked to be a part of the Gratitude Blog Hop!

All week, you can hop from these amazing blogs & get inspired to be creative as well as remind ourselves of the many, many blessing we have! LOVE these women!
Becky Novacek
Debbie Hodge
Jennifer McGuire
Jodie McNally
Kelly Purkey
Lain Ehmann
Lisa Dickinson
Liz Hicks
Margie Romney-Aslett
Margot Potter
May Flaum
Patti Milazzo
Stacey Kingman
Stephenie Hamen
Wendy Smedley
Liz Kartchner
Allison Kreft Abad

Today, this sums it up: happy.
The sun is shining. The air is crisp. The leaves are falling....& I'm getting my creative groove on for House of 3! Our Christmas stuff is wrapping watching

I'm also grateful for the fabulous people who were involved in the Digital Design Brush class the other night. So fun. So amazing to share this stuff...They even got a sneak peek of the NEW House of 3 Christmas stuff.....our mouths were watering!

I had to have the class shout with joy a couple of times cuz it's just too much fun to learn & create with digital brushes!
Thanks, girls! And thanks Laura at Dear was a *fantastic* night!

cute Margie & Liz were there to support & be my TAs! & took some iPhone shots! thx, girls! love ya!
and, of course, my #1 super rock-star fab husband. SOOOO grateful for my #1 fan, my #1 supporter & my #1 hottie!

(photo by Liz)
LOVE him oh. so. much!...for putting up with my crazy shenanigans!
*sigh* so much to be grateful for....

what are YOU grateful for?
I'm sharing another couple of Comependium's Gratitude books...(just LOVE them!) So, tell me what YOU are grateful for & I'll give away 2 books next week!
can't wait to hear.....Happy Friday!

*wait! stop it right now!*
another thing to be grateful for....
good mail day!

Check out my new necklace from THE April Meeker of Second Sister Jewelry....mmmm! & I got these earrings, too! Just perfectly delicious & unique!

you are truly an artist, my dear! you should SEE how she packages this!
Spark girls, you saw her cigar! wow! wow!
go. buy something from her will NOT be disappointed!
xox, it! I will think of you when i adorn myself in this goodness! mmmm*wah!


  1. oooh....we are all on the edge of our seating waiting to see what you girls at Hof3 have up your sleeves! i can't even imagine how fun the digi class was the other night! eeek....the excitement! thanks for sharing, Rhonna!

  2. Rhonna,

    Hello its me Cristina. First of all thank you for the wonderful Digital Brush class. After class, I was so excited that I could not sleep that night. Ok...I am so grateful to be a mom to my wonderful Miss. Mallory, to be a wife, sister and daughter. I am so blessed and so grateful for life.

  3. I hope comment number 3 bring me luck. I am grateful to have 3 healthy boys and a new baby girl. Totally for my family. I am also grateful for you; first thing I do in the morning after kids are off to school and the baby is still a sleep.. Love the inspiration and the energy I feel.

    I love those books as well. I discovered them 2 years ago at the scrap etc. event when I took a class with Heidi and I would loveeeee to win one! Have a great weekend!

  4. I am beyond grateful for life in general. All aspects of my life are blessings, from family to friends, to my hibby! :) I adore my life! :)

  5. It IS a great Friday - I would be so GRATEFUL to win a book!!!

  6. I am grateful for my family,friends and... Ho3...for their inspiration and zest for life!It definitely gets my creative juices going!! Thank you for that.

  7. I'm grateful for second chances, new experiences and the kind of love you feel for your children where you think you might actually burst at the seams. I'm grateful that I found your blog and for the 21 day challenge that led to great changes in my life. I am grateful to you for the inspiration and the "spark" I needed for my creative life. I was unable to attend this time but LOOK OUT next time! ;)

  8. i am grateful for you! i wanted to let you know that i participated in the 21 day challenge, and i have kept it up! my challenge was to write in my journal every night and i proud to say i am on day 80! and for that i am so grateful! along with many other things!


  9. I am so immensely blessed, there is just too much to tell. But of course, I would be nothing without the love of a supportive husband, and caring family. And I am grateful for my freedoms. I love this country, and the life I live because of those who serve.

  10. I am grateful for my little family and that we get to be together forever and ever! I am so glad that we are healthy and happy and even though we have had some hard times this past year, we are happy! I love your work and think it is just super cute! Thanks so much!

  11. I am grateful for all the love and support of those around me lately :o)

    Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  12. What fun photos and a great list of the most basic things to be grateful for! I, too am grateful for my wonderful husband of almost 30 years and our two darling children, the best ever! And as I creep up on 50 (next week, Eeeeek) I am ever so thankful for good health!
    Kathy Camasso

  13. I am sinply grateful to be alive and to be able to share this fabulous journey both good and bad with my family! They are my everything :)

  14. I really like this necklace. I first saw these on Elizabeth and been dreaming of one since. Very chic and trendy!
    I love this giveaway; I first saw these books at Scrap etc. with Heidi Swapp and when I when to buy one at the store the Heidi effect was that they were sold out:
    I would loveeeeeeto win! Have a fab weekend Rhonna.

  15. Oups forgot to mention what I am grateful for. It s Friday and it is the weekend and I get to spend it with my beautiful family and I am grateful for the whether. Fabulous fall!

  16. So many things to be grateful for:my wonderful hubby, watching my three little lovebugs bloom into dynamic individuals, THE best family EVER, so so much! BTW, thanks for the digi class - it WAS fabulous! Amazing talent and a pleasure to meet you Rhonna!

  17. so many things to be grateful for! of course, friends, family, etc are all a given. i agree that good mail days are awesome. i'm grateful that i got to go to your cool design class! the other thing i'm grateful for is a big peppermint mocha on the way to work!!

  18. I love all the pictures! Your digi class looked awesome! Can't wait to see all the Christmas goodies at House of 3!
    I am thankful for so many things, but most of all for my amazing hubby Tanner, daugther Annie and my baby boy Jesse! God is SO good! I am doing the whole "thankful in Nov." thing on my blog too filled with lots more things that I'm thankful for!

  19. Looks like you had a blast at your class - wish I lived closer! While the past month or so has been rough, I am thankful that my husband recently pulled through bypass surgery without much problem and that my father is hanging on (has stage 4 cancer) so it looks like we will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving as a family this year! On a more upbeat note, I've got my own good health and my daughter and her husband moved into their 1st home.

    Can't wait until the release of the House of 3 Christmas goodies! It looks like what I need to finish off some of the items for my Naughty or Nice Cookie Exchange!

    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

  20. Hi Rhonna! I am grateful for 3 healthy boys and a sweet happy baby girl and I am grateful for your blog; it is the first thing I do once the kids are off to school and my girl is still sleeping. Have a great weekend!

  21. Oh the necklace is lovely!

    I know this will sound common place but it is true for heart is filled with gratitude for my wonderful husband. He is the kindest most gentle man and he rocks my world.

  22. oh when oh when oh when will you offer an online class of your fabulous brush class? the tormenting that comes over us long distance girlies is excruciating...
    (am i dramatic enough for ya?)

  23. Has anyone told you that you are just tooooo cute...what a great pic of you and your hubby!
    I am grateful for: family, my son, friends, and creative inspiration from talented artists like you!

  24. I am grateful for my SOULMATE of 22 years, my three beautiful/healthy CHILDREN and my joyful/loving GRANDSON. I'm thankful my FREEDOM and for those who fight so it continues. I thankful for my HEALTH and my workout partner who keeps me motivated. I'm thankful we are able to GIVE to those less fortunate than us. I'm thankful for QUIET TIME when you can hear silence and get some quiet time to do something for me. I'm grateful for BLOGS and the ideas and inspiration they share with me. I am thankful that I have so many things to be THANKFUL for.

  25. There are so many things to be grateful for, DH first and foremost, good health, to be born in a free society, fresh air, clean water, to be alive in this amazing technological time, much more.

  26. Grateful....for the love of family, freedom to pursue your dreams and TUTORIALS!!!
    I ordered a couple of items last night, but the GRATITUDE book was sold out. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  27. I am grateful; after three boys, I got a baby girl! and they said it would be another boy. Grateful to bring pink in my house this year. There is a white and prink Christmas three in the house this year!!!

  28. I am grateful for my sister (Jenni- we were both at your class)) who has had my children the last two nights! SO NICE! AND I am grateful for these wonderful creative people (you!) who share their talents with me! Thanks!!! The class was fun and I can't wait for another one. Oh and I can not stop thinking about those darn cookies!

  29. I'm grateful for my husband & 2 kids. They are everything.
    The second thing I'm grateful is having a whole week off from work :) I will be able to spend quality time with the kids & get a jump start on getting ready for Christmas.

  30. Grateful that I've found my creative voice and have the time (occaisionally!) to use it.

  31. I am grateful for my husband, who is my rock and my four crazy, beautiful children. I am also thankful for you. I loved the digital brush much fun! You are such a fun teacher. With your energy and enthusiasm one can't help but get excited. I came home completely inspired. Thanks!

  32. I am thankful for my wonderful, loving husband and our 4 beatiful children. Without them I would be lost. They make me a better person and my life complete. I am thankful that we are all happy & healthy!

  33. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, a warm and cozy home,a loving God, some me time and being surrounded by my family during this wonder-filled time of year.

  34. I am grateful my kids are in bed and go to bed early! I am grateful when things works out. I am grateful for energy. I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for my family. :)
