Monday, October 12, 2009

Manic Monday...

*whew* what a weekend! We had our Spark work meeting

filled with shenanigans...& it was so much fun....late night. lots of laughter. lots of creating. lots of mess...& I didn't even mind! I loved having everyone here at my house! So did my cute family! **yes, I'm a freak. I had to giggle at my shenanigans of the 'shhh'...& then showing my hands. You can't see, but they were BLACK! & Liz is just watching me like...'you are funny.'**yea. good times!Tons of fun with the girls. And...did you see the invite for the Spark SoireƩ at Dear Lizzie? Oct. 20, 7pm. Mark your calendars!

Jefra's inviting you to the party! *wink*

& Lizzy is saying...It'll be fab! make sure to RSVP, ok?

and....did you see this? My 2 fab partners, Janet & Heidi, of House of 3 are putting on an event in Texas this weekend! Oooo, it's going to be FAB! check it out here: or here. If you know these 2 ladies at KNOW it will be a day of creative wish I could be there!
Lots to do this week....
Welcome Monday...embrace the craziness!


  1. LOVED the video. how FUN! felt like i was right there in the middle of all of the fun/creative chaos! soooo wish i could attend your super-exciting upcoming event.

  2. we just watched the video and loved it!! the kids kept laughing

  3. wish you could be here in Texas, too! video was so fun! Spark will be the bomb.

  4. Holy cow! I live in the city right next door to Frisco! Wish I could go! Wish you were coming! Fun stuff! Hope all goes well for Janet & Heidi!

  5. Post Script: Way cute video!

    Melissa Miles

  6. You guys are so fabulous! I loved this video! Wish you gals could come over and make a mess of my place :)
