Thursday, October 15, 2009

Digital Design Class:: Let's Brush Up @ Dear LIzzie

Let's Brush Up Digital Design Class
Wednesday November 18, from 7:30-9:30pm
Class Fee: $35. HUGE Brush kit included
Skill Level: Intermediate Beginners & Up
Join me in the Dear Lizzie Bistro to learn about the world of digital brushes! This is a class where you will learn how to:
load digital brushes
use digital brushes
size digital brushes
color digital brushes
create digital brushes
save digital brushes
rotate digital brushes
space digital brushes

The class will
include an exclusive CD with 50 versatile & amazing brushes, a printed guide & step by step instructions so you can go home & practice.
And, I'll be showing & using Wacom Tablets (though, this is a class in & of itself!)

Don't forget the Dear Lizzie cookies & unlimited drinks! ....what a party!

**NOTE: This skill level, Intermediate Beginner, assumes you know your way around Photoshop. You know your Tool Bar, you know how to open up a New Document, create a New Layer, can find the Brush Tool, etc. If you aren't comfortable with this, you may feel lost & I do NOT want you to have a bad experience. I'll be teaching very beginner classes at a later date!

Questions/Answers about what you'll need: check here.

How to sign up:
Since this is a private class, & we'll have our laptops, class space is very, very limited
There are only 20 spaces available.
Email me quickly for reservations and on Monday, I will send you a payment request from PayPal that will secure your spot!

can't wait!


  1. Are theses brushes for those of us who live far away and won't see you until Sparks to purchase? Oh, please say yes and tell me how, Rhonna.

  2. just would so love to come join you..but as my grandaughter says to me..."you are to far away I can't" I am jus tlearning how to use brushes...kinda wierd this is my post topic for today at my blog....featuring my minature pomerainian...

    have some fun with this Rhonna

  3. hmmm...sounds like this *might* be a great online class for those of us who live far, far away... :)

  4. I would love, love, to come. I emailed you and I hope you got it. I am so excited!

  5. do you offer any online classes for designing with the wacom? that would be a heaven sent!

  6. oh sigh! how i wish i were closer!

  7. everyone else is thinking the same thing i'm thinking. you MUST do online classes. MUST offer the CD to those of us who are so very far away. *sniffle*

    what can we say...we just adore you rhonna!

  8. Where are you located anyhow????
    I'm seaching all around your site, shop etc... can't find your location. I'd love to see a possible online tutorial we could purchase through etsy perhaps? I think you could make a killing and have many happy students in the process ;) Think about it?
    I still wanna know what state you are holding these classes though. ;)


  9. Wow...this sounds great....I so agree with an online class for those of us that live very far away! xoxoxo

  10. I'm crying right now. This is just what I need, but I live in Cali. :( :( :( I just got back from Utah. :( :( :(

    Keep us posted if you ever do a class online.

    I'll keep dreaming of a day I can take a class with you.

  11. I am going to add my 2cents here as well- Have you thought of making this into an online class?? I know I would be willing to sign up!!! Unfortunately Utah is a bit far. BooHoo!! Thanks for your constant inspiration!

  12. Oh my...I don't do digital..but I'd love some of Lizzie's cupcakes...wish I was close enough to be

  13. OK. I live here, that is no problem. I do not, unfortunately, have a laptop (I wish!) Would it be pointless to sign up and come? I am a very hands on learning person, so it would be very helpful!

  14. Hi, Am I missing something? I'd love to sign up for the class, but don't know and can't find your email address! Help!

  15. I'm in, but need your Email address too. Help!

  16. Don't have your e-mail, but count me in! My e-mail is Thanks, can't wait!

  17. Could you PLEASE do this class online too? I'd love to take it.

  18. Does the instuction translate well if I use Adobe Illustrator CS4 instead of Photoshop CS4? I'm already signed up and SUPER excited!

  19. Ok, wait a second. I found your website from either Jules or Tristan, and now I'm seeing that Dear Lizzie shop... Laura used to live in Pleasanton and I used to babysit her kids when Rosie was a toddler. Small world! What's your story? I was told alll about your creativity!
