Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wednesday WOW:: October goodies

October is my favorite month.
So many things that WOW me every year...i just love it!

WOW No. 1: It's General Conference. I love being uplifted & inspired...it was truly amazing. I feel so filled up & ready to be my best me. love that. I love the powerful Spirit that I feel when I listen to the speakers & feel the power in their words.

I love this particular photo above from the Saturday's Conference...for more reasons than one. My whole family was up here this past weekend & it was filled with fun, noise, memories, laughter, tears & the closing of a chapter in our lives that has brought so many blessings.
I feel forever grateful for the past six years!
WOW No. 2: It's my birthday month. (yes, I'm one of those that LOVEs to celebRate! all. month. long.) One year older. One year wiser. One year happier. One year healthier. One year younger! ha ha!
I fill it with my annual 1/2 Marathon, as many celebrations as I can fit in *any excuse for a party!*
42 seems so young! *wink*& again, I feel so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the amazing journey I've lived thus far. WOW!
WOW No. 3: Halloween. I love the crisp Autumn Utah weather. leaves. decorating. colors. & pumpkins! My digital kits make me so happy at this time of year....I took some of the kits, printed them out on clear sticker paper , added some jewels; stuck them to the white pumpkins. Add some Sharpie doodles in the mix & voila! Haunted House Pumpkins! I'm feeling grateful for the blessing it is to create....to feel the JOY of the little things. WOW.

&...don't worry. I didn't forget to pick winners of the {21} Challenge boxes...I'm waiting for some of you to finish your journey...I'll post winners tomorrow! you all make me say WOW! And again, feeling so grateful for the new friendships I've made through this challenge. You are all truly amazing! Thank you!

P.S. Watch Oprah today to see another woman that makes me say WOW!


  1. Wow, super cute pumpkins Rhonna. Love them, I love the white ones, I thought about painting a pumpkin white but maybe I should just buy a white one ;) So cute!

  2. Love those pumpkins.....as I started the 21 day challenge..we had tragedy hit our lives..so I didn't blog about my journey..but I have to tell you that it has changed my life..not only have I lost 10 pounds, but I feel much better..so thanks so much for your inspiration. And soon I will update my blog with some pictures and my journey. xoxo

  3. Those pumpkins ROCK! I love October too and I'm trying to enjoy every day of this beautiful month.

  4. I love your pumpkins!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so inspiring!!! I hope you have an amazing month!!

  5. OK, first of all, I am lovin the white pumpkins and my very fav is the birdcage! Precious! You are more inspirational than you will ever know! Enjoyed your 21 day challenge and thanks for all of your ideas! You deserve Birthday Month!


  6. Love those pumpkins and now I'm inspired to inclue them in my decorations for my niece's rehearsal dinner on 10/24...yep the day after your b'day. My niece is getting married on 10/25 which was my Dad's b'day. My brother-in law's b'day is 10/27, my sister's 10/29 and my mom's 10/31...yeah baby....she's a witch! So October has always been special for us as well. So loved watching Oprah today...amazing family and I really loved her "visitor" being in her home and having her own "ah ha" moment. Thanks Rhonna!

  7. October 23rd is a great day for a birthday- that's mine too! :)

  8. As usual you rock! Love the pumpkins! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  9. my how you can dress up a pumpkin. amazing!

  10. WOW is right. love your energy. love the pumpkins and love what the 21 challenge has done for me. (still taking the hour every morning to create)! thanks 21ers. and thanks rhonna.you "wow" me.

  11. I just found this blog and started reading. Great job going out and running half-marathons! I'm not a runner myself, but I do really respect those who do.
