Thursday, August 12, 2010

*hear that* it's Sparks...they are a-flyin'....

You better believe it....Go check out Margie's class Sneak peek HERE>  Her project makes me giddy!

Talk about gettin' your SPARK on! ohhhh, so fun!

And, did you see Janet's class Sneak peek? Be still my Heart Strings!  

**ETA: Check out the new sneak peek of my mini class! Exclusive Digital Kit from House of 3...FREE for Spark attendees!
Be sure to check back bit by bit...the sneak peeks are trickling in to get you excited! sure to check out THIS PAGE to know just what you'll need to bring to Spark...just basic supplies, but we want to make sure you've got it!

btw: do you like the graphic above?  hee's a little teaser for *sumpin' else* I've got up my sleeve...havin' a VERY creative day! :)
Hope yours is filled with fab things, too!


  1. mine doesn't sounds HALF as creative and sparkly as yours...but hey...there's always tomorrow!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. LOVE the graphic and I can't wait to see what's up your sleeve! Spark II!!! Can not wait!!!

  3. getting excited for Spark! love the graphics you got going on today!

  4. can't wait! we get there a day early hoping to meet up with fellow HO3 fans :) if anyone is interested let me know you can find my at *hugs from conroe,tx!

  5. How did you make the "sparks are flying" chal board-ish? did you just turn them white in your photo editing programe?
