Tuesday, August 31, 2010

...this day will never happen again....

This is a quote that always pulls at my heart strings when I think of my kids.  Especially the First Day of School.
School is back in session & I'm still in denial.  I really do love having my kids at home during the summer...we had such a great time. They are all at such fun ages & we love being together. 

But, getting photos of them is difficult now. Admittedly, I've put them through many photoshooots that may have tainted their love for smiling for the camera.

So, for the first day of school I was lucky to get just a few good shots. I'm excited to get these blown up & printed on metallic paper. I'm in LOVE with Persnickety Prints. LOVE. They are
1. speedy 
2. gorgeous quality
3. friendly...they are just cool people!

So, I'm thinking blown up to a 12x12 & putting them in our huge glass frames you can see here. 
Wouldn't that be cool? I mean...come on...$1.99 for a 12x12 print?
yea....I think it's a great way to remember this day forever. 
Have a fabulous last day of August!


  1. I love having my daughter at home with me, or at work with me during the summer. It is bittersweet, the first day back at school, the time just goes so fast. Your children are gorgeous, love the pictures. I am going to have to try this Persnickety Print...thanks for the tip. Hugs.

  2. Beautiful children! My oldest just started Kindergarten - I'm not really looking forward to carting them off to school every day for the next 18 or so years. I miss her already.

    Good luck getting back into the swing of the school year!

  3. AWW... i love your kids! these pics will be great for the frame. they do need an updated photo i guess!

  4. Gorgeous photos of your kids! They DO grow so fast. I had a good cry the other night when my baby turned 7! My son is 9...It happens all too quickly!

  5. Gorgeous photos.
    I love having my kids home also, although it is different when they are out of highschool and "grown Up". Carrie p

  6. fun fun pictures esp the mismatched slippers (flip flops the rest of the world calls them). tfs, you rock girl!
