Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Creative Escape or bust....

(created with House of 3's Fall Junque  & Magical Brushes kits)

 So...I'm busily buzzing around my hive right now doing a gazillion things...I"m feeling like the queen bee today. 
T-bird started school today & J & S start tomorrow...wow. Is it here already? Is summer over? Did I blink & it's gone? 
...take mental note on the cliche's truth: Time flies when you're having fun!
 Speaking of having fun....
I'm headed out to Creative Escape to join my House of 3 girls in our crop room!!  *and, don't fool yourself...i'm SO excited to see my Spark Sister, Margie, too! She's a fab teacher...can't wait!

A reminder: NO Wednesday Webshow this week, because we'll be doing it LIVE on Friday night from Creative Escape in AZ! All of us together! We are so excited.

And Thursday night I'll be teaching a mini workshop in the crop room:  *Magical Brushes* class with the CE House of 3 downloadable kit! Be sure you have it downloaded & ready to rock n...roll!

Ok...have a lot of buzzing around to do...I'll report back from CE! But, will be tweeting & facebooking along the way!


  1. Have fun! Wish i was going to CE too but I will just stay content with the fact that I get to Spark it up this year! hugs!!

  2. Can't wait to see you too sweets! It's HOT so be ready! Find me and we will Spark it up!
    kiss kiss

  3. yihhoooo! you'll be HERE in az! say it aint so.

  4. I agree! I swear summer just keeps getting shorter and shorter. So much for "lazy days of summer." Our school break was just over two months and so jam-packed it was hardly relaxing. Oh well, at least I love Fall!
