Thursday, August 19, 2010

special day....

happy birthday to my dad...

love him for what he is.
& what he isn't.

love him for what he's taught me by living, not preaching.

love him for how he makes me feel...special.

love him for the way he makes me laugh. & cry.

love him for eternity!

Here's one of my favorite candid photos of him...He was among many amazing people & I love the look on his face here...thankful. happy. content. peaceful. he's my hero!

can you pick him out?
(photo from Oct. 2009 General Conference The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

My mom & dad are living & serving in Guatemala at the LDS Temple there...they love it. That is where they both served missions for our church when they were younger.  I love this message he shared with the world in 2004:

We come to this world in many colors, shapes, sizes, and circumstances. We don’t have to be rich, tall, thin, brilliant, or beautiful to be saved in the kingdom of God—only pure. We need to be obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ and keep His commandments. And we can all choose to do that regardless of where we live or what we look like.

Thanks dad, for always teaching me this through your love, obedience & your choices...happy birthday down there in Guatemala...I know what you are doing is the most important thing...serving & loving! And I know this is where I gain my happiness! We miss you!


  1. What a beautiful message to him on his special day. You are fortunate indeed.

  2. here here!
    that was very well put, rhonna. i miss him too.

  3. Thanks, Rhonna.
    Love you too and miss you!
    Hugs, kisses, and tickles to the kids from Grandpa.
    Love, DAD

  4. Happy Birthday DAD. I ditto what Rhonna said. You are wonderful and I am grateful for you. I hope you get to enjoy your bday! Guatemala is a FAB place to spend your bday. Love ya!

  5. Happy Birthday Brother Mask! You are an AWESOME example!! And YES, I can pick him out--just like him too! Thanks for sharing that Rhonna--he IS a special man.

  6. What a wonderful man! Happy Birthday.
    Such a lovely place to serve.

  7. Rhonna, that was beautiful. Our family adopted two children from Guatemala and they are so precious to us. A little girl and a little boy. Guatemala is indeed a special place! Happy Birthday Rhonna's Dad!!

  8. love this sweets...
    now i know where you get a lot of your awesome-ness...
    kiss kiss
