Monday, August 30, 2010

Home again, home again...jiggety jig.

Creative Escape was amazing. I've got to shout out a HUGE thanks to all the Bazzill people, Marty, Doug & family...& Franny, Mona, Carol & Lisa are a*mazing! THANK YOU!!!!!

We had so much fun in the House of 3 crop room...laughing, creating, laughing some more...& no sleep! LOL....but we did have a crazy time at the Live reminded me of this quote:
haha. i love this quote.  I leaped this weekend, that's for sure.  I loved having fun with all of you! We met so many House of 3 fans & some of you are coming to Spark, too! Margie was a teacher at CE so it was fun for both of us to meet our Spark Sisters & share our Spark with others! We are so excited!

I had many of you ask about my House of 3 noticed it was all sassed up! And it was done by my amazingly talented friend: Clarissa of Lady Ann Designs. 

I go *ga-ga* over her designs..seriously...look at these amazing aprons. still my heart....

And....Emily was the glitter toe queen! We had so much fun getting all *glammed* up with glitter toes.

mmmmm....Em's amazing. So...if you are in AZ or UT, get a hold of Emily & make an appointment...
Thanks, again, Em!

Ok...tons to do for Spark...countdown is on! woohoo! Soo excited!
If you are coming, did you get the free House of 3 download for the exclusive Spark Kit? I"m giddy! It's so fun & can't wait to teach the mini class about it at Spark! We have a few spots's not too late to sign up!  
Happy Monday!


  1. Hi Rhonna......those label tags are bab that you have on these the lady ann designs... do you have those in the shop???

  2. oops I mean have:) wink..wink..

  3. Julie, thanks!
    I created the tag out of different brushes over at House of 3...the new Summer swirls & the House Edges.
    have fun!

  4. Julie, thanks!
    I created the tag out of different brushes over at House of 3...the new Summer swirls & the House Edges.
    have fun!

  5. thanks...always love love your things!!!!!!
