Friday, February 10, 2012

DIY Valentine cRaft ideas

I am sick in bed. I've pinned & surfed &....well...I'm not in a position to get the rest of my photos in place for the last of the 14 Valentine ideas series. so sorry...but, I did have an idea. (and of course it came through my 100 Creativity Exercises that I still do, even when I'm sick) & that is: Look at something differently. Turn it upside down, sideways, backwards. Figure it out...creatively.

so...I give you my vintage Valentine ideas from last year & a couple of years ago...I still love these, let' get to idea no. 9: Valentine in a bottle. Goes right in hand with yesterday's Fresh Living segment.
When I was at the studio, the guests the day before were April & Lindsay from The Sweet Life...perfect! Because this project was in their magazine last year! LOL! on over to my vintage ideas & there's a DIY HERE so you can make this, too!
Just like last year, my husband & I are putting on a Valentine Dance for 1000+ college students.
tomorrow night.
yea, I need to get better, huh?
And, I've got all of these fabuloh-so napkin flowers to adorn the tables & decor!'s a DIY How-to so you can create these too!

This polka dot heart box, from 2010, is a fun one...even if you don't have a heart box, you can make your own or use any kind of box...the fun thing about this project is adding the polka dots to the box with circle easy & cute!

Creating coffee filter fluffs is super this video tutorial, I show you how to create the fluff flowers...but, then in THIS video tutorial, I show you how to put them in a heart shaped box. But, remember, you can just cut out a heart from a cardboard box & put the cute fluffs all over. Super easy!

This is still one of my fave things...printing out Rhonna Designs onto printable silks, satins, or broadcloth & creating these fabric flowers as shown in the video DIY Tutorial HERE.

and...lastly, but not least: idea no. 14: Singed Satin Flower Gifts
I did a bunch of these DIY tutorials a couple of years ago...& I still love them. Learn how to create them yourself here:
Singed Flowers are shown in this web show I did....look towards the end of the video. 
And...get some more info HERE with a step by step tutorial. with tips & tricks & my FREE download template HERE>

See? Even though I was sick....You still got 14 ideas for Valentines this year....thanks for your patience! & happy happy Valentine weekend!

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