Thursday, February 23, 2012

Doodles Unleashed Giveaway & Blog Tour

 I've been a long time fan of Traci Bautista...a few years ago I took one of her classes at Art & Soul & it brought back my LOVE for Doodling...back in the day, I'd doodled & doodled (Even had a few of my paper lines based on my doodles *Splendor* & *Rock Star* for those of you that remember), but I go through phases...I doodle. Then, I graphic design. Then, I paint. Then, I draw. It's part of the evolution as an artist, I suppose...SO...I was sooo happy when Traci contacted me about her NEW book: Doodles Unleashed. I poured over every page...and...I've been doodling again! LOVE it! Thanks, Traci...for helping me get back to it! I have a fun Blog Tour with Traci...Instagram, tweet & facebook will be involved and YOU could win  one of her books!
OR  one of 7 Doodles Unleashed Printables

So, here are the prompts: Just join in on your own blog, instagram, facebook, tweeting...whatever you want! Be sure to tag is: #doodlesunleashed & then comment HERE to let me know you've joined in! I'll pick 8 winners for the prizes....
have fun...& here's some inspiration w/ me & Traci...she says:

Inspiration photo prompts
In my book Doodles Unleashed, I use photo inspirations to jumpstart my creative process. I document my my day in pictures and love to take snapshots while I’m painting, walking through my favorite stores or doing my daily tasks. Spend a day capturing moments, print them and post them on your inspiration board. Use the prompts to inspire your photos and post them on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #doodlesunleashed to enter the giveaway.





I learned so much about things to doodle with from her class & of my fave things is the ink & pipettes! Get her book & let your doodles's so freeing artistically...I"m loving it again...

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