Monday, March 26, 2012

Get it going.

Last Sat. night, my girls & I went to the YW Broadcast. It's one of our fave bonding times. We go out to eat (at our fave place) & fill up our tummies, then go to the Conference Center to fill up our souls. This did not disappoint. I seriously look forward to this all year. I love sitting there w/ both of my daughters on each side of me....listening to truth! 
The theme was "Arise & Shine Forth'...which I LOVE! But, our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, said something that I can't get out of my head....

I just kept thinking about it all night...& into Sunday. And of course, woke up with it in my head & thought more & more about it on my morning run. 

I See My Destiny.  This is what I kept 'seeing' in my mind. Everyday, we make big & little decisions. Some seem important..some, not so much. But we DO shape our destiny in those decisions. It should be no surprise where we end up....
And I thought about that in all aspects of my life.
 mind. body. spirit.
The decisions of what I put in my mind shape who I become. If I'm filling my mind w/ garbage....negative thoughts, etc....then, I shouldn't be so surprised if I end up depressed & not happy with what I've become, right?
And...on the flip side: if I fill my mind w/ uplifting conversations, motivational quotes, optimism...well...I suspect I will be much happier about myself, my surroundings, my life. right?'s so true.
I can SEE my destiny in my mind. I can visualize it. one decision at a time., now take that same thing to my body.  If I'm filling my body w/ garbage...processed crap, foods that make me sick, etc...then, I shouldn't be so surprised if I end up unhealthy, sluggish, no energy & not happy w/ what my body has become. right?
And...on the flip side: If I fill my body w/ good, clean food; eat healthy, get enough sleep, work out & envision my body healthy...I will be much happier w/ myself, my surroundings, my life. right?
I can SEE my destiny in my mind. I can visualize it. one decision at a time.

And of course...same with my get where I'm going. I need to nurture my Spirit & make good decisions to make sure my Spirit is strong....

one decision at a time.
I determine my destiny by the decisions I make.....

I love that sooo much!

and, I LOVED when he said: "Every Cinderella has her midnight'.  Sooo fab. Again...what we decide will make a difference. Love, love, love that!

Just my Monday thoughts....this week is my very favorite...we get ready for our Semi_Annual GEneral, it's on my mind. a. lot.
If you have any questions...look on my side bar at 'I Believe' see my profile & have your questions answered! It's gonna be a fab week! LOVE IT!

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