Tuesday, March 6, 2012

inspiRation springboards: my cReative pRocess

I've had lots of questions lately about HOW I get inspired when I design my collections & kits...so, I thought I'd share how my creative process started with my Spring Circus collection. 

Step 1. EXERCISE. Yes. you got it...your Creative muscles need exercising EVERYDAY! So, I *always* use my 100 Creativity Exercises. I know I talk about it A LOT...but., I can't emphasize the importance enough...it's critical for me getting new ideas.

Step. 2. LOOK.  After I've exercised, I am always on the lookout for what I'm drawn to...what inspires me. I take inspiration trips to stores, boutiques, Pinterest, my mags/books, & I've even been known to get inspiration from random things like: taking the garbage out! LOL!

Step. 3. GATHER.  I start to gather inspiration pieces...I put them together to create a 'moodboard'...color swatches, magazine rip-outs, typography, etc.  Yes, this is also called an 'inspiration board' & this is essentially the idea behind the widely popular Pinterest...you 'pin' your ideas & inspiration on a board to get inspired! Brilliant to have it online...i LOVE my Pinterest boards, but I also MUST have the ideas on my actual inspiration board in my studio.  

Step. 4. CREATE. This is where I actually sit down & the whole process comes together. I've got the whole collection already in my mind...this is the time to execute it & put it into actual digital art.  Between Photoshop, Illustrator, my own drawings/art/collected ephemera & vintage ephemera from Dover books & CDs or my friend, Karen's Graphics Fairy vintage art, etc....it all comes together.  

Each step is equally important & I can't jump from one to another or SKIP any step...I need to do them in this particular order...this is how I work..I'm sure other designers & artists have their own little formula, but THIS process is what I've been doing for the past 14 1/2 years...since I've been designing greeting cards & gift bags, then onto scrapbook products & now digital art...I've finally found that THIS is my favorite...I can do it on my own timeline...when I want to, when my family schedule permits...& its' always there on our site to uplift & inspire people!

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