Thursday, March 15, 2012

My fave photo apps...beginning with Instagram!

***ETA: July 2013  Since this post...I now have my own app: Rhonna Designs Photo Editing App!  See my app HERE in the App Store and HERE are a bunch of How-To Video Tutorials! 
Seriously...this app has CHANGED the way I edit my photos for Instagram, blogs, printing's changed my life! *wink* and no...I'm NOT being dramatic!

This ONE app has replaced most of the ones below...

I've had lots of questions about HOW I edit my photos that I post on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook. So, rather than copying & pasting my responses to hundreds of ya..I figured a blog post was in order. So...I'm sharing my TOP TEN fave photo apps!

My phone camera is one of my fave Creativity Tools I use everyday with my Creativity Exercises...seriously...this has changed my creative life! So, I'm always thinking of ways to capture, create & then real time!

1. Instagram~ free
Pros: My fave place/community to upload. Yes, I've tried other communities, like Hipstamatic, My365, etc...but, this feels like my home. I love the filters, friends, etc. So...I go through various other apps to get the look I want & eventually post them to IG (Instagram) in the end.
Come & follow me: @RhonnaFarrer

Cons: limited in versatility...not type/text. but,'s free!

2. Picture Show~ $1.99
Pros: Best bang for your buck.  If you only want to purchase one extra app, this is my fave. You can add bokeh, fab frames, text, tons of filters, light leaks, crop, noise, blur, and more. I had this one for a long time & it did everything I wanted, but then I ventured out for more fun.

Cons: hmm...i can't find one..i really love this one!

3. Phonto~ free
Pros: Best Font/Type/Text app I've has TONS of various fonts & you can change colors, tilts, fonts, sizes AND the opacity...which is fab to me. I love this one!

Cons: again...can't find any. I am really happy with this one!

4. PicFrame~ $.99
Pros:  This is the app I use to create diptychs, triptychs, & split them up to make collages.  I know there are other apps like this, but this is the first one I got & didn't feel the need to buy more that does basically the same thing...You can round corners, change the color of the  frame & move the size of the frames.

Cons: only about 20 various frames...I know some apps have more options...but, hey! It works for me!

5. Labelbox~ $.99
Pros: Ok...for the dymo label look, masking tape, scotch tape....this is great. You can buy *add-on* tapes for $.99 cents more, too! I bought the set with the doily tape in it & I love it!

Cons: I'm not fond of the fonts/text that comes with, I add my own in some. (i.e. Me no likey the 'light' font on the below pic...I was learning at the time! LOL)

6. Lenslight~ $.99
Pros: This is a VERY fun light app. I'm talking, various bokeh, lens flares, light leaks, cloud rays, sparkles, halo rings...& even the sun, moon, lightning & rain. You can add 1 on top of the other & even adjust the opacity..I love that about this app!

Cons: Not much to complain about on this one..I've been very happy!

7. Filter Mania~ free
Pros: This one is FAB! It has very unique frames, filters & lighting.  Some a little over the top, but really  cool ones! (The above wings & crown is one of them~ And this TIME photo...see the grungey/words in it?'s this app! cool, huh?)

Cons: Since the filters are so funky...they don't look good on all photos...but, it's fun to experiment!

8. Maskingtape~$.99
Pros: This is one of my faves to add a little *flair* to my photos. With the swipe of your finger, you have TONS of washi/decorative tapes in tons of colors. To 'undo' you just double tap & *poof* it's gone!

Cons: Not a one, IMHO.

9. Pixlromatic/ Picture Magic~ both free. both equally used by me.
Pros: I had to lump these together because I really couldn't pick one or the other...they are both for the same thing: cool frames, light filters, and bokeh... And I have found that there are specific frames or lightings that I like for certain photos in each of the apps.
...but, I do have to say, I think I like Pixlromatic a tidge better....see for yourself..they are both free...come on...have some fun!

Cons: Picture Magic seems to freeze more for me...ugh. And, when you open it up it ALWAYS asks if you want to buy the full version. Gets a little buggy.

10. Picfx~ $1.99
Pros: Fab frames, cross processes, vintage & classic filters, & I am in LOVE with the bokeh filters...they are giving Lens Light a run for their money! One of my fave things is: You can rotate the bokeh filters...I haven't found that in any other Light app!
Cons: The ONLY thing I wish it would do is give you the ability to adjust the Opacity levels in the lights.
'das all. 

So, here's a snippet of my process:
1. Take Photo: I normally just take my photo in the 'Camera' or 'Pro Camera'..they are both sitting next to each other, & which ever one I hit...I snap away. THEN, it's stored in my Camera Roll & I can go in later & edit as I wish. 
2. Add filters: I then, go into my fave apps above to see what will enhance the photo. If I"m in a 'photo collage' mood, out comes Pic Frame. Or if I just want a subtle light leak & cool bokeh, I'll go for Picture Show.
3. Add Text: Here's where I'll add Labelbox, Phonto....or whatever I want.
4. Add flair: This can be the decorative washi tapes in Maskingtape, or some of the faces in Finger Faces...LOL...whatever I want!

And, yes, each of these steps saves in my Camera, I go in & delete the unnecessary ones!

REally....this all depends on me, how much time I have & what kind of mood I'm in. If I have a few minutes waiting in the car for my kids' carpool, out comes my phone & away I go!
Sometimes, I only have time to do the Instagram worries. just have fun! are some honorable mentions that deserve a little shout out:
iDarkroom: $1.99
Pros: I do like this one. It's got a lot of the regular photo editing features, and I LOVE the various bokehs' they have: flowers, hearts, FUN ones!
Cons: For some reason, this one isn't my 'go-to'...but I do use it a bit.

BlendCam: free
Pros: This is a funky one that allows you to blend photos effects!
Cons: Again, this one isn't in my day to day tool box, but it's fun to have!

Tag Writer Pro: .$99
Pros: This is a fun one like Labelbox that lets you do some fun tags on your photies.
Cons: There's a free one; but very limited. The Pro version has more, but again...I only use it sometimes.

iLabeler, Vintage Cam, Lemme Cam, Pic Collage....all are fun, but for their purposes, I've found the above apps to be my fave.

One that I have LOVED (or my KIDS have loved) is the Finger Face app: $.99
We've had many a laughs over this to play & enjoy with the family!

Ok...that does it...those are my Top Ten Faves! Again, you may or may not agree with me, but this is what I use & what I love!
I always LOVE to hear about new ones, so please share YOUR fave apps with me!
Happy Thursday!

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