Thursday, April 30, 2009

CelebRation day....

for House of 3 & Heidi.

Celebration No. 1. It's Heidi's birthday today...happy happy day, my dear friend! Hope it's wonderfully delicious & you enjoy it! Love you tons & thanks for all your inspiration to me & everyone else! smooch!


Celebration No. 2. The House Adornments are in the store!!!! Yes, I know...a little late, but hey..didn't I mention the double deckers that were piling up?

Fun to have them available in the store ON Heidi's birthday!, in honor of these 2
celebrations, I'm going to give away 3 (our lucky number here at the House of 3) of our NEW House Adornments!

Just tell me HOW you would use it! **and if you DON"T know how you'd use it...tell me that, too! We can help with ideas!
Check out our Create Section for HOW to put up your stickers, ideas & such!
can't wait to hear from you!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

double decker....

I feel like one of those Scooby Doo Sandwiches...that gets piled higher & higher. I've got stacks & stacks of
things to do.
Before I know it.

It's Tuesday. ...I totally got lost & sucked up in a time warp. S was home sick yesterday & it all piled up. Has that ever happened to you? the everyday things just seem to pile on...stacking...higher & higher?
I call it a double decker.
....All of a sudden it's Tuesday? And you ask,
"Where did Monday go?"

Yea. That's what happened to me. Only, I don't think it's only 1 double decker at this point. That Scooby Doo sandwich is piled higher & higher.....LOL!

So, I apologize for the wait on the House of 3 Wall Art Give will be happening...oh. so. soon. I promise!
Look at this!

I love it! That Ikea frame is delightful, but...add a Hof3 Chandelier sticker to it, backed by a fabric dish towel & voila!
sheer delight!
In the meantime, I wanted to share some more of my trip to Paris.
Montmarte was so fun. We found fabric stores with feathers, felt, lace, pom poms, buttons, and some unique & cool ways for storage...more on that later.

Sacre Coeure Basilica was a highlight, too! It was a glorious sunny day & everyone was out on the lawn soaking in the music & sun. We took tons of pictures & met up with this cute little violin playing charmer!

Walking along the Seine as we took pictures the whole way. We planted ourselves on this little plot in the middle of the street & started taking tons of shots of the city passing by. It almost got freaky when they got so close. But, I loved some of the shots i got of the cars & Musee d'Orsay
and just enjoyed the streets of Paris in Spring....

** answer your question about what frames/borders I've been using on my photos: either these or these. I love them all.So easy...just drag & drop them onto your photos...
Ok, hang tight...I'll be back soon to announce the launch of our Wall Art!

Friday, April 24, 2009


a few words about my Paris photos. First off, disclaimer:
I'm no professional photographer. Sure, I've taken photo classes, photograph a lot have a fun camera...but that doesn't mean I'm a pro!
I just have fun.
(photo by the fabulous pro: Sande Krieger)
I love to play around with composition, juxtaposition, the lenses, and of course the photo editing part.

Here are some answers to your questions.

What kind of camera do you use?
I have a Canon XT. no. not an XTi or an XSi or even a 50D, Mark II or Mark III.
Oh how I wish I did, but again..I am not a pro so this has done me just fine. & I carry it with me all the time. *thanks Sande for documenting this! LOL!*

What lens do you use?
I have a few, but these are my fave:50mm 1.4 and the 28-105mm 3.5/4.5
for everyday use. Not overly indulgent...I would LOVE this. and this. and this.
some day.

What editing program do you use?
This is where I do think I need to have the power I want to design, so I've chosen Adobe Photoshop...the latest is on its way. CS4. I've been using CS3, but since I do do this professionally I think it's vitally important to keep up with the latest upgrades.

How do you edit your photos?
I love to use Actions. Do you remember our fabulous House of 3 photos by the amazing Nichole V & Jefra Linn? Well, Nichole's Actions are my fave. Funny, I'd purchased them before I'd even met her...I'd found them online & THEN, when I got to actually meet the genius behind my fave Actions, I was *starstruck*. THEY are professionals! wow!

How do you do your borders on your blog?
like a light background, so when I go in to my 'layout' you can choose Fonts/Colors. Just select white for the border of your photos...then, it looks like it's invisible! *wink*, w/o further ado...I wanted to give you a sneak peek of what's going to be available in the House!

Do you want some of our newest product? House Adornments?
They come to your doorstep via the U.S. Postal Service in these fabulous black boxes...just the boxes got me giddy!
But, the possibilities..ohhhhh the possibilities! They are repositionable stickers WITH JEWELS. We have 3 different designs:
Ornate Frames (comes with 2 large, 2 smaller)
Chandliers (comes with 1 large, 1 smaller & the chains)
a lamp. a divine, delicious lamp with jewels!

Check out how Janet used hers on a floating frame! And, Heidi's got a photo of the chandeliers in a girls' bedroom. darling!
Think about it:
jeweled stickers large enough *and small enough* to use everywhere!

oh my! on the lookout! We'll be giving away on Monday! woohoo!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


have a's finally time to announce the winners of a few Parisian delights I picked up on my trip!Oh how I wish I could have brought home delights such as these!

but, alas, my suitcases were only so big...**although one was big enough for me to fit in! LOL!**
I had to focus on flat, squishy things that I could pack into small spaces to fill every nook & cranny. So, how about something like this from the Flea Market?




Please email me:
with your addy so I can send you out some Parisian delights! *squeal* I hope you love them!

I've had some questions about my photos: I can't keep it all straight with the emails, so how about leaving your questions here. I'll answer them tomorrow. cool?
have a fab day!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

we interupt this program....

for a very important message.
French Macarons
You see...I have Celiac disease. And the last time I went to Paris I didn't know. I was so sick the entire time (managed to still have fun) but, I look back & realize our '
stop at every patisserie' rule was backfiring on me. I had no idea at the time.

Fast forward to this trip. I was so sad I wasn't going to be able to indulge in those amazing pastries...croissants, pain au chocolat, crepes:: all the deliciousness I
loved about Paris.
But, guess what I found out? Most of the famous French Macarons are gluten free. I was
over the top happy about that. So, of course, I indulged.

Sande & I found out about the Macaron rating system. Not all Macarons are created equal.
1. American Macaroons are NOT French Macarons.
2. Not all French Macarons are alike.
3. Laduree has THE best macarons in Paris. (imo)
We rated them a 10, after a new found friend of ours, James, told us about
his Macaron snobbery. We chuckled as he tasted what we thought were divine macarons & he rated them an 8 1/2.
S&R: What? only an 8 1/2?
say it isn't so.
there are 10s out there?
J: Why yes, Laduree has the best ones. You'll have to try them.
S&R: Ok, you twisted our arms.

& off we went...walking as swiftly as our little legs **Ok, MINE are l
Linkittle...Sande's taller!* could carry us.

Not a disappointment.
They were certainly 10s in
our newfound Macaron snobbery books, too!

So, I've come home with a new determination: To make my own macarons. Shimelle went home after our trip & did just that. She's my hero.
And so, I've been reading.

And reading.
and I think it's time.
mmmmmm.....i can almost taste them now.

Monday, April 20, 2009


puttin' the daily grind cap back on...time to jump back into reality..vacation is over. of Day 2 on my Paris trip!

Day 2 was filled with shopping. Kate, our lovely tour guide, took us to the departments stores.

We got lost in the glorious creative rush we got in BHV, Lafayette Galleries & Printemps...just imagine huge stores filled with amazing *new* products to get our creative juices flowing...

from the amazing window displays in monochromatic color schemes

to new paints, pillows, fabrics, light fixtures, hair pieces...oh my! the list goes on! It was a feast for all of the senses!

Printemps has this restaraunt on top of the store...domed beauty!

We went to get the Parisian Hot Chocolate that I crave! it's thick, rich & NOT for the faint of heart. Sande & I were dying...sheer choco bliss! This domed restaurant was quite fabulous...the chairs, the tables, the ceiling...& the service? well, if you are not eating an entire meal, do NOT try to sit in the inner circle of tables. We were quickly booted out to the outer circle, with a swift kick! It was priceless & well worth the laugh!

One thing that did not disappoint was the presentation. You know, presentation is everything & every single window display or product display was genius! The fashion, the colors, the texutres, the juxtaposition....sheer genius!

Here's to a gloriously creative day....share your genius!
I'll be back to announce the winner(s) of the Paris goodies!