Wednesday, April 1, 2009

april fool's!!!!!

You can get that cool House of 3 April Bundle for free...

& check out the Create Section for some ideas on how to use this fun bundle o' goodness!


  1. Thank you! This morning, your midnight release was all gone (released in the middle of the night for my time zone). Now it's back! I appreciate it, thanks again.

  2. y'all are too funny. Thanks for the download and the laugh!!!!

  3. I am so glad I came back---that is a great bundle. I was getting ready some gift bags and the template will be great as a topper. I enjoyed the March calender so much I am glad to get April for free!!!!!!

  4. That was a good one! Toni from Australia was going nuts for this and finally got it. Wonder what she thinks now that the joke is on us, hehe. thanks ladies you ROCK!

  5. Thank you! I was nervous about not being able to get the freebies because today was my hubby's first day back to work in almost 4 months and I had to take our oldest to school this morning. So grateful;)

  6. You know, I stayed up until midnight. Watching. Waiting. I even checked back at 12:30 in the morning. Only to get up this morning and realize, I MISSED IT!!!

    BUT, it ends happily! I got my bundle, and I'm ecstatic!!! Thanks so much!!!

  7. You are awesome! Thanks for letting us all get in on this today. When I checked early this morning, the first release was gone already. Hope you are having a great backwards day!

  8. Ohhhhh you gals are too funny! I can't believe I fell for it...waiting with baited breathe to make sure I was sooo quick at 12:01!! lol

    but I don't care...I LOVE the goodies! Thank you!

    And what a great idea to use the blog backgrounds as lil stationary!

  9. Thank you so much. You gals are very sweet. I've never had such a great April Fools day:)

  10. Thank you so much for the goodies! I really appreciate them!
