Thursday, April 16, 2009

paRis re-cap: day 1

I met Sande & Shimelle at our hotel & we were time to waste in Paris! First...walking around the Latin Quarter & Notre Dame (our tour guide was 13 yr. old Kate & her grandmother...thanks, girls for a wonderful stay! *wink*) the whole vibe there! It's artsy, full of character & makes my heart sing.
There's this fabulous old bookstore across the street from Notre was so charming & I loved taking pictures with Sande & that we are at the same place, at the same time, taking pictures of the same thing, but we see different things.

Walked along the Seine, took more pictures...yes, this is one thing I LOVE about Paris..the photo ops! This guy was sharing the sounds of Paris on the bridge...Notre Dame in the background, blossoms & was a perfect day!
And, of course the shops are just as delightful as ever...full of character & the goodies we found? ahh....can't wait to show you lucky winners what I'll be sending you! *wink*

Dinner with friends, on the Rue Clare with Orangina...didn't I say it was a perfect day? The 3 of us were loving this's scrumptious!...bye bye diet coke! hello Orangina!

A little trip to the Eiffel Tower at dusk for some night shots...ending of my first day...perfect!
more to come...


  1. Beautiful pictures! I can't wait to hear more about the trip!

  2. oh my beloved orangina!! we have it here but it never tastes as nice as it does in france! :)

    MUST KNOW your process for shot 2! LOVE IT!

  3. Omigosh, I need to book a trip TODAY. That chandi is to die for. I hope hope hope I win!

  4. oh my goodness...just gorgeous photos! I so hope that I have a chance to go back there someday! smiles....

  5. I love that this is day one and there is more to come... LOve LOve love the way the chandelier is the same colors of your backround---truly wonderful!!!!! Can't wait to see more pics.

  6. Beautiful photo`s Love that Chandeleer...mmm:)♥

  7. It is so surreal...being in a city where people are out and about...walking, talking and riding bikes. We just downsized from our big urban house to a small two bedroom apartment in the city so that we could do just that. Would love to wake up to that chandalier every morning...ohh llalalalalla

  8. Absolutely wonderful pictures. Can you tell me how you post your pictures on your blog WITHOUT a border around them? I've been trying to paste some filmstrips, but keep getting a white thick border and black thin line border around the pictures when I post. Thanks for your tips!

  9. De-lovely!!! Amazing photos you took. You are quite the talented little one. I am enjoying my virtual vacation immensely. **blows kisses** Deborah

  10. OHHH Thank you for sharing these beautiful glimpses-of-my-someday-trip-to-Paris!!!

    What treasured memories...

  11. Amazing! I will never get to go so I'm so glad for your awesome photos! hugs from Conroe, TX!

  12. Great pictures! I'd love to know more about how you edit them/what kind of camera you use, etc.

  13. SO many beautiful pictures, Rhonna!
    I'm amazed and touched by all the beauty you share. Thank you.


  14. These last 3 posts are amazing! Some of the best vacation photos I've ever seen!

  15. love it, rhonna!! you and paris just belong together! :)

  16. Brings back memories with my daughtets adventure abroad. Can't wait to see more and return myself

  17. your photos are amazing! I only wish i was able to go and have the opportunity to take photos like these! It looks like you had a fabulous trip!

  18. More beautiful pictures...thanks for sharing!

  19. I'd SOOOOOO love to go back to Paris one day - but for now your gorgeous photos just make me sigh!!! :)

  20. i just have to ask...knowing you will not be able to answer, many times have you been to paris? your photos make me drool. i have been once, and i am thinking everytime one goes their eyes are open to all things new again.
    thanks for sharing.
