Wednesday, April 22, 2009

we interupt this program....

for a very important message.
French Macarons
You see...I have Celiac disease. And the last time I went to Paris I didn't know. I was so sick the entire time (managed to still have fun) but, I look back & realize our '
stop at every patisserie' rule was backfiring on me. I had no idea at the time.

Fast forward to this trip. I was so sad I wasn't going to be able to indulge in those amazing pastries...croissants, pain au chocolat, crepes:: all the deliciousness I
loved about Paris.
But, guess what I found out? Most of the famous French Macarons are gluten free. I was
over the top happy about that. So, of course, I indulged.

Sande & I found out about the Macaron rating system. Not all Macarons are created equal.
1. American Macaroons are NOT French Macarons.
2. Not all French Macarons are alike.
3. Laduree has THE best macarons in Paris. (imo)
We rated them a 10, after a new found friend of ours, James, told us about
his Macaron snobbery. We chuckled as he tasted what we thought were divine macarons & he rated them an 8 1/2.
S&R: What? only an 8 1/2?
say it isn't so.
there are 10s out there?
J: Why yes, Laduree has the best ones. You'll have to try them.
S&R: Ok, you twisted our arms.

& off we went...walking as swiftly as our little legs **Ok, MINE are l
Linkittle...Sande's taller!* could carry us.

Not a disappointment.
They were certainly 10s in
our newfound Macaron snobbery books, too!

So, I've come home with a new determination: To make my own macarons. Shimelle went home after our trip & did just that. She's my hero.
And so, I've been reading.

And reading.
and I think it's time.
mmmmmm.....i can almost taste them now.


  1. oh I have to agree. I love Laduree macarons.... I adore the shop!!! and the packaging... oooh... I want to live there!! *LOL*

  2. This is great!!! I also have celiac disease and I would've never know that I could've indulged in these macaroons! You've made my day. funny thing, I was just trying to figure out how to make gluten free macaroons last night. I'm so excited! Thank you!!!!

  3. I truly liked looking at Laduree more than eating a macaron....I had to buy some, but it was for the box and the bag......they did make a good breakfast the next day though.

  4. Oh! Those look too yummy! I loooove macarons and I love Paris!

    It's so fun looking at all your fabulous photos from that beautiful ville :o)

  5. oooh sorry:( you suffer Coeliac Rhonna:(Hope your feeling much better...Glad it didnt stop you having fun!!!
    `Gorgeously Grand` photo`s as always and another
    `Gorgeously Grand` Header..TFS
    Have a lovely Thursday:)♥

  6. YUM! Those look so yummy! Thanks for sharing! Off I go to play in my newly finished craft studio. Hubby left yesterday for a 14 day work shift and I plan to create as often as I can while he is away. I'm finallly going to get to work with all my great stuff I bought at HO3! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  7. Rhonna, I am so happy to see this post, as I suffer from Celiac as well. I have only known about it for 2 years, and I am always looking for new recipes. I am excited to see how your macaroons turn out!!!

  8. Ohhh LOVELY photos! And I think my stomache is actually growling (yearning) lol for just a small taste.....I'll imagine, for now!
    Tell us how the recipe experiment goes!

  9. Please please share th erecipe with us all? My fav from Paris was a leom tartlet from Monoprix - a grocery deli store. I also have o live gluten free so would love to try your recipe.

  10. I absolutely love Macaroons. I wish there were places to get them in the states. Anytime I know someone going to Paris I ask if they'll bring some back from Laudree, it's the only place to go.

  11. you can do it, you can do it! :) go nice and slowly and read every step like three times and it will work! (or at least, that was what i did!)

    can't wait to see yours!

  12. Beautiful photos! Absolutely love the new header and background.

  13. The macrons were the BEST thing about Paris!

  14. I have celiac too and if I have even a crumb of gluten, I'm sick for two weeks. I went a year ago to Paris on my honeymoon and was miserable- all the restraunts threw back their head, stuck up their nose and promptly told me they would never change their food, not even for an allergy.
    So to hear about gluten free macroons.... it makes me giddy. While I'll never go back to Paris, I can have a littel nibble of yumminess.
